Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Death of a Blogsman
The results do not surprise me as I am sure many feel the same. I first must say that President Obama will have my prayers behind him as he leads our nation. Probably more so than any other leader. Prayer does not equal support. Prayer should be given because of the hope that God will lead Obama as he leads our Nation. Certainly I pray that God be with all of us now.
Many people are wondering what will happen next. Obviously "change" is coming! For some reason during this campaign the word change automatically meant "good". Not all change is good. Hitler brought great change, did he not? No, I am not comparing Obama to Hitler. Just making a point.
In all seriousness, I know many people are scared right now. Those who have wisdom and see past the glitter of the past year's campaign know that things aren't always as they are presented. Many fear for America's future. I can't not give a 100% prediction of what is to come, nor will I assume on this blog...but I do know that when/if things become bad we can find solace in Scripture.
This semester I had the pleasure of studying a book of the Bible that I have never looked at before - Habakkuk. It is a wonderful, short book of the Bible in which Habakkuk has a one-on-one conversation with God. Habukkuk was a prophet who came to God with a simple question: how much longer would He (God) allow Israel to get away with its sin. God answered Habakkuk's question by telling him not to worry, because He was going to send in Babylon to overthrow them.
This wasn't exactly what Habakkuk was hoping to hear. He becomes upset and asks God how He could allow a nation whose sins were greater than theirs to punish them. God calmly answers Habakkuk telling him that He knows Babylon's sins and that they will be given the due in time. Habakkuk is humbled and thinks back over God provision to Israel in the past and of all His great deeds.
Habakkuk states in chapter 3, verse 2 "Lord, I have heard the report about you and I fear O Lord, revive your work in the midst of the years, In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy." Habakkuk went on to say at the end of the chapter that he trembles at knowing what is to come and in having to wait for it. Even though things were about to get really bad, Habakkuk says in verse 18 "Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation." Despite the fact that Israel was about to be trampled and taken into captivity by Babylon, Habakkuk says that he will still praise his God. Why? Because God is sovereign. God is never changing. God knows all things that are to come and they all play into His plan. What might be seen as something really bad might is part of a bigger picture. God has been and always will be in control. Though sin has permeated this nation, though people are blind to His truth - God is still God. Regardless of what happens in the years to come, God is still God. Those who are faithful to Him, He will not desert. Take hold of that fact friends and continue with the mission that He has given us - to bring others into His grace. For answers on this topic, please visit this website.
Readers...it has been my extremely pleasure to create and author Robert's (New) Land. When it began I intended for it to be a means of updating family and friends after we moved from TX to MA. It soon became all too clear that only a few people I knew would constantly check for my updates. Regardless the blog became a book of my fondest memories of my time in New England. Over a year ago, I had the pleasure of joining the campaign for Mike Huckabee (HUCKABEE 2012!!!) and the blog quickly turned political. My final few posts took a more serious tone. I strongly felt that I needed to write these last three blogs which, in a manner, are political in nature. While they deal with biblical happenings, events of the world around us seem to indicate that they could be at hand. I wrote them because I know years from now people who are searching for answers will be able to find them on this blog. I hope that in doing so, they will find The Answer who is Christ Jesus.
I will continue blogging, but at a new address. It will be more of a relaxed place where I won't feel compelled to write such long, in-depth posts. I may even write a one liner here and there. One topic on my mind is those Glade commercials. For those who want the new address, you know how to reach me. For those who have no clue how to reach me, I am sure you can figure out another easy way to find it.
May God bless you all.
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Antichrist
Revelation 13:1 states that John "saw a beast coming out of the sea." Sea usually refers to a group of people around the Mediterranean meaning he will be a Gentile.
Daniel 8:8-9 suggests that he is the "small [horn]" that came out of the four Grecian horns, signifying that he is part Greek.
Daniel 9:26 says he is the ruler of the people to come. This indicates that he will be of the royal lineage that destroyed Israel which was Rome. So he should be predominately Roman.
Daniel 11:36-37 says that the Antichrist "does not regard the God of his fathers". If we take this in context then we'd have to assume he will also be Jewish. Much like Hitler (who was a prototype) the Antichrist will appear to be Gentile, but will have Jewish blood which he will probably keep a secret.
In the book Revelation Unveiled Dr. Lahaye states that, "[His identity] may be known only to God, but the Bible teaches that he will be a Roman-Grecian Jew, a composite man representing the peoples of the earth. The technically qualifies him to be the embodiment of all evil men."
So is Obama the Antichrist? Maybe, but probably not. As far as we are aware, he doesn't have all of the above mentioned blood coursing through him, but who knows what his true nationalities might be. Many (while misinformed) believe that his Muslim heritage makes him a candidate, but as we just read there is no mention of that in Scripture. I think he will be more of a precursor for the Antichrist and/or America's downfall.
The future activities of the Antichrist will include the following:
1. A rise to power - he will steadily gain control of all things through promises of peace (Revelation 6:2 and Daniel 8:25)
2. One-World Government - As seen in Daniel 2, the Antichrist will set up a government with 10 "Kings". Revelation 17:12-15 shows that these ten rulers will eventually believe that they can no longer govern themselves and will cede full power to the Antichrist. Verse 13 indicates that a world government will be created in the name of peace.
3. Domination of World Economy - When Revelation states that these rulers will give their power to the Antichrist, it is not just referring to their governments and armies, but also economic power. Think of the European Common Market as an example. In such a time of economic crisis, is it really that hard to picture this happening?
4. Atheistic Religion - Daniel 11:36-39 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 describe the religious beliefs of the Antichrist. They teach that he will place himself "over everything that is called God or worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." Revelation 17 shows that Antichrist will approve an ecumenical world church (also not hard to imagine today) which would merge all religions together, celebrating their differences. For a time, Antichrist will be dominated by the church's power (Revelation 17's "prostitute", the church, riding "the beast", Antichrist). Somewhere within the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period, though, Antichrist will destroy this ecumenical institution and set himself up as god. His true religion will be atheism.
5. A Covenant with Israel - As mentioned in my previous post dealing with Gog and Magog, there will be a covenant created with Israel for the length of seven years. This will promise her peace and protection during that time. After 3 1/2 years Antichrist will break this treaty and seek to wipe Israel off the map. This is found in Daniel 9:27.
6. Death and Resurrection - Revelation 17:8 states that "the beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come." Many believes that the verse indicates that the Antichrist will die during the 7 year tribulation (probably around the half way point). Be aware that it will not be the Antichrist himself to resurrect - Around the same time, Satan will be cast out of Heaven once and for all (he currently has access having to give an account for his deeds...read Job 1:6-7). Satan will indwell the body of Antichrist and contrast the actual, supernatural resurrection of Jesus Christ. From that point on, Antichrist will have the power to perform "counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders " (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) and he will deceive many. At that time, he will proclaim himself God, desecrate the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, and unleash an attack against Israel. Anyone who doesn't declare him God and pledge allegiance to him (this is where the whole "mark of the beast" comes into play) they will be killed.
7. The Ultimate Destruction of Antichrist - Second Thessalonians 2:8 states that Antichrist (the "lawless one") will be overthrown by Jesus Christ. This is further discussed in Revelation 19:11-20.
There you have it. This is just a breif overview of the Antichrist who is to come. Chances are good that is he alive somewhere right now. I once read an interesting book (the title escapes me) stating that since Satan doesn't know when the end will come, he has had to have an antichrist ready/prepared during every generation. A chilling thought.
Regardless of who the Antichrist is, interesting days lay ahead...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Ezekiel's Prophecy of Gog and Magog
Beginning with chapter 38, Ezekiel names several nations that will join forces to attack Israel. These include: Gog, Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer and Beth Togarmah "from the far north". Of the above nine names, only one is not a geographical location - Gog. Instead it is a title like President or King. Gog will lead this invasion against Israel. From the New International Bible Commentary (F.F. Bruce) we read that "the chief prince" mentioned in verse 3 is "preferable to 'prince of Rosh' which adds another name to our geographical list.
Each of these countries was easily identified in Ezekiel's day, but most of the above names seem foriegn to us. Once you identify what countries inhabit these ancient lands, though, it is easier to piece together.
Rosh (ancient Sarmatians) was also known as Rashu, Rasapu, Ros and Rus. Today we call her Russia.
Magog (ancient Scythians) is present day Central Asia. "Islamic southern republics of the former Soviet Union with a population of 60 million Muslims. This territory could include modern Afghanistan." (M. Hitchcock)
Meshech included ancient Muschki and Musku in Cilicia and Capadocia. Tubal was in ancient Cappadocia. Today both are known as Turkey along with southern Russia and Iran.
Libya, the easiest, known as ancient Put and west of Egypt is known today as...Libya.
Persia is probably the second easiest of the list. Persia changed it's name to Iran in 1935.
Ethiopia in ancient Cush, south of Egypt is present day Sudan.
Finally, both Gomer and Beth-togarmah, both of which are present day Turkey.
So our list of key players will be Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Libya as well as numerous several Islamic countries in Central Asia. Each will bring all of their military strength to the table for this attack. Led probably by either Russia or Iran, these countries will have one goal in mind: the complete and utter annihilation of Israel.
We know their target is Israel from verse 8 which states, "...In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety." Israel regathered "from many nations" and returned from a very long absence and became a nation in 1948.
An interesting side note - God has promised Israel that she will never again be removed from her land (Amos 9:14-15). Prior to the prophecy of Gog and Magog, Ezekiel 37:15-28 tells us that Israel will be one nation, no longer split into two (Israel and Judah). Despite all these nations (and others) who wish to destroy Israel, it will never happen.
Verses 8, 11 and 14 of Ezekiel 38 give hints as to when this attack may occur. All state that Israel will be "living securely". There is a chance that Israel could enter a brief time of peace, possibly reaching some type of agreement with Iran in the near future. No doubt this would be a false security, but it is possible. The other possibility is during the 7 year tribulation.
The tribulation will take place after the rapture of the church. Officially it will not begin until the Antichrist signs a peace treaty with Israel and all of her neighbors that is to last 7 years. However prophecy teaches that the 7 years of peace will only last 3 1/2 years before The Antichrist decides to destroy Israel.
There are some that assume that it is when The Antichrist retracts his peace agreement the attacks of Gog and Magog occur leading to the Great Tribulation (the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation). Others believe that this will be World War III and/or Armageddon. Others believe this to be inaccurate for several reasons (one being that Armageddon doesn't take place in Jerusalem, but Megiddo) but we'll focus on the strongest argument.
"Ezekiel 39:9-10 indicates that for seven winters the people of Israel will burn the leftover implements of [the] war" with Gog and Magog. "Since the Jews will be persecuted by the Antichrist for the last three and a half years of the Tribulation, that may suggest that Russia and her Arab allies will be destroyed at least three and a half years prior to the beginning of the Tribulation. It could, of course, be more." (Lahaye) Therefore, this attack is most likely to occur anytime between now and shortly before the signing of the seven year treaty (at the latest). Also, Armageddon occurs at the end of the Tribulation, so Israel wouldn't be living in peace as Scripture states, but in hiding.
It is not difficult to pick a reason on why this attack will take place. Iran has already stated that it would destroy Israel. Russia and Iran are close allies. All of the other nations listed above hate Israel. Ezekiel tells us that this attack will occur "so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes." It is sobering to think about the possible revival this will bring about across the globe, especially if it happens prior to the rapure.
With the exception of the final battles of the tribulation, this attack on Israel will be the largest in it's history. Verse 16 states, "You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land." In all likelyhood, Israel will stand alone when it occurs. In a recent post, FOX News reported that the U.S. denied Israel any help in the form of weapons to make a pre-emptive strike on Iran. Russia is also off everyones nice list after their attack on Georgia and refusal to leave. It wouldn't have any hinderance on attacking Israel. No one is quite sure what to do with Russia because of its recent actions. Throw in a war-weary United States and it all helps set the stage nicely.
UPDATE (August 20): MSNBC is reporting that Russia is "freezing" it's military ties with NATO and allied countries. This could also play into/set the stage futher for an attack on Israel. Click here for the article.
So how will little Israel withstand such a massive invasion? "This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused, declares the Soverign Lord. In my zeal and fiery wrah I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beast of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountians will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground. I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountians, declares the Lord. Every man's sword will be against his brother. I will execute poor judgement upon him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones, and burning sulfur on him and his troops and on the many nations with him. And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord." (Ezekiel 38:18-23)
Ezekiel goes on to tell us that all the attacking troops will be destroyed and given over to animals to feast on them. There will be so much carnage that it will take Israel seven months to bury the dead and then "they will begin their search" (39:14). The cleanup will be so extensive that a town (Hamanoh meaning Horde) will be established in the valley at the gravesites to aid the cleanup crews. Fire will upon the actual attacking nations. Some believe this means that those nations coming against Israel will be completely destroyed. It is interesting to think that in our lifetime Russia, Iran and almost all (if not all) Islamic countries will cease to exist.
At the end of chapter 39, God once again states his purpose for this attack: "From that day forward the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God." Ezekiel 39:22
There you have it, a quick run-down of Ezekiel 38-39. An attack led by Russia and Iran along with Turkey, Sudan, Libya as well as numerous several Islamic countries will come upon Israel (more than likely) before the rapture or shortly there after. Though the odds will be greatly agaisnt her, God will supernaturally protect Israel -destroying her enemies. Then there will be a revival among Jews and Gentiles as they see that the Lord is God.
I hope this is informative. Some of you may disagree with it and that is fine. If nothing else, I wanted to write it so whenever it does occur there will be one more place for people look back and find it. In that way I hope it brings others to the Lord.
Forgive any scattered-brain(ness). It was not the easiest topic to write while chasing my 8 month old around the house. Soon I will work on my Antichrist post. May not be until next week though.
Zondervan. The Holy Bible, New International Version. 1996.
Lahaye, Tim. Revelation Unveiled. Zondervan Publishing House. 1999.
Butler, Trent ed. Holman Bible Dictionary.Holman Bible Publishers. 1991.
Bruce, F.F. ed. New International Bible Commentary. Zondervan. 1979.
Lahaye, Tim & Ed Hindson ed. The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy. Harvest House Pupblishers. 2004.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapman Interviews
Steven Curtis Chapman Homepage
Good Morning America Interview
The Larry King Live Interview can be seen through Jim Houser's (Chapman's manager) in six parts.
People Magazine sneak-peak.
Gospel Music Channel Report
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
U.S. Refuses Israel Weapons
The United States has rejected an Israeli arms request that would have improved Israel's capability to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, a frontpage report in Israel's Haaretz newspaper said on Wednesday.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak did not deny the Haaretz story and refused to discuss it in an interview with Israeli Army Radio,
"It would not be right to talk about these things," Barak said, according to Reuters.
Iran is a "threat to the whole world order, and there are many actions to be made in the realm of intelligence and preventive measures," Barak said.
The United States "does not see an action against Iran as the right thing to do at the moment," the defense minister said, but shared Israel's view that "no option should be removed from the table".
Israel believes Tehran will be capable of building a nuclear bomb by 2010, and has been pushing for greater international pressure on Iran to stop building nukes.
Both the U.S. and Israel have said they would prefer a diplomatic solution to the standoff but have not ruled out other options — including a military one.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Reminder to the United States of America:
“I will make you (Israel) a great nation;
I will bless you and make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
- Genesis 12:2-3
*Remind to talk about the prophecy of Gog and Magog (primarily, present day Russia and Iran) in Ezekiel 38-39 really soon
Monday, August 11, 2008
Obama Hates Superman!

In more serious news, last week Obama revealed an energy plan. Most people focused on his statement regarding the filling up of our tires. McCain and others made fun of this fact so Obama later said in a speech that those people "take pride in being ignorant..." Look, we should all be responsible and change our oil regularly and keep our tires filled. However I believe the true ignorance belongs to Obama in believing that a large majority of Americans would be responsible enough to follow through with that. Just a few of us doing it isn't going to solve the problem. Sadly, this isn't a 'what can I do for my country' nation. To his credit, he didn't rule out drilling for oil - after a poll came out stating a majority of Americans favored it.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Move and Other Items
The drive itself was really fine. My father-in-law and I trekked through Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia on our first day. All that was done in about 9 hours which included gas and food stops. The second day included the rest of Virginia, Tennessee, the smallest amount of Georgia (with the absolute worst Taco Bell establishment on the face of the Earth), Alabama and finally Mississippi. The final day was a short hop through the rest of Mississippi, Louisiana and finally Texas. It's hard to say just how long we drove (actual driving) since some of our stops were extended. Google Maps made the trip out to be 27 hours. Of course that is only if you drive 60 mph. I won't name names, but a member of the driving party enjoyed the 80 mph mark. I can't make assumptions as to why, but said member spent the prior days playing Need for Speed. a racing game, on my XBOX 360. So actual driving time was under 27 hours.
We ran into bad weather only once. I felt like I was driving through a tropical storm. Most people pulled over and found cover, we plowed on through. "I can't see out my windshield" and "I'm not sure I'm still on the road" be darned! You will get two different stories on the traffic. I say we only ran into one bad traffic jam caused by an overturned truck. My father-in-law says we ran into a lot more. Of course when one takes our definitions of "traffic" into consideration, our difference of opinion makes more sense. Boston traffic versus Palestine, TX traffic is quite different. Since Boston is the bigger city with actual traffic, I win the argument so we ran into one traffic situation on the second day.
At one time I had a list of funny city names, gas prices, and things I saw...but much like the travel coffee mug I had when we left, it has vanished. I remember going near Scranton and Gettysburg, PA. I saw the University of Alabama and a few other big name schools which is cool. New Jersey, Virginia and Alabama were the best looking states. New Jersey also won the Rude Person Award (please notice that is singular). You'd think an employee for AAA would be more helpful than giving you a finger point. I really enjoyed the entire drive. I would love to drive all around the U.S. someday.
The most noticeable change while driving was the music. I was enjoying what I call "normal" stations on the radio (stations that play just your normal hits ranging from the 70's to today) all the way till Virginia. All of a sudden the normal station to country station percentage was 20 to 80 (before this it was 95 to 5). The further we went south, the more this percent went up. We were around 2/98 until we hit Mississippi. At this point I had to throw in another number for rap stations. Normal 5%, Country 30%, Rap 65%. The rap kept rising till Texas then things settled around 20%, 70% and 10%. Fuzzy math.
Gas wasn't too bad. For reference I looked at the gas price on my old blog when we arrived in MA. It was $2.60. The station I filled up at upon leaving was $4.08. I saw a high near $4.15 however at another MA station. The highest I spied was 4.60 or 70 something, but that was one of those interstate gas station where you have no choice but to pay out the bum. The lowest I saw was $3.70 something. I paid $3.86 here in Lewisville yesterday.
Off of the move, I have been able to knock a few more movies off my Summer Movie Wish List. Those that are italicized are those in bold are no longer playing whole those in bold are the ones I have seen.
1. Prince Caspian
2. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
3. The Dark Knight (pending Saturday night)
4. Iron Man
5. The Incredible Hulk (v)
6. The Happening
7. Get Smart
8. Hancock
9. Step Brothers
10. Tropic Thunder (v)
11. The Pineapple Express
(v) = I can wait for it on video
The best so far are Get Smart and Indiana Jones. Hancock was good. Language was a bit much. Everyone says the movie wasn't good anymore after Hancock (Will Smith) turns good, but I say that is when it finally took off. Could this be a sign of the world today? Do we really enjoy evil and wickedness so much that we dislike watching goodness being portrayed? People hate Superman because he is good, but dig Batman and Wolverine because they are dark and mean. Then again, girls in high school acted to same to me. "I think you are such a great, sweet and wonderful guy Robert, but we are just so compatible and too good of friends for this to ever work. I'd rather date the guy with tattoos who goes through girlfriends like a bag of Skittles."
Anyone keeping up with King Obama's World Tour? I was watching an interview with him on the evening news last night. Every time he is asked a question he side steps it or is vague. He was being asked about Iran and Israel and how he would handle situations there. He gave fluff answers like 'I don't feel I have the right at this time to accurately portray the situation of the scenario of the fiscal year but if you'll look deep into my eyes you will see puppy dogs, babies and the souls of the damned....yes Charlie....look into my eyes...follow me everywhere.' The whole time, the veteran news anchor sat and nodded. He did ask Obama if he had a plan after he danced around another question. Obama said yes, but he didn't feel it should be shared at this time. Ummm okay. So when? When you're president and its too late? His plan could be to supply Iran with whatever it needs to wipe Israel off the map. No worries though. The public think he is awesome. Who cares that we know nothing of what he is wanting to do. Dude looks great in suits.
Meanwhile John McCain (he's the other guy running for president) was being interviewed by some rookie anchor. McCain was trying to give an actual answer to a question and the anchor continuously interrupted him. Just think, it's only July!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Coming Soon
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Huckabee on Dobson on Barack
This video was originally found at Massachusetts for Huckabee.
I will be heading down to Texas on Monday and hope to be able to post updates along the way...not while driving obviously, but at night. So be sure to check back!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Farewell New England
This time next week, we will be on the road headed back to Texas! Jennifer and I greatly enjoyed our time here in the North East and will really miss it. We take with us numerous memories that are encapsulated in this blog, so instead of boring you all with a long recap, I decided to make a video with some of the pictures taken over the last 2 1/2 years.
For those who wonder about the song choice and how it relates to Boston, the reason for it can be found in an old blog...if you really want to know.
Friday, June 27, 2008
"Wuv...Sweet Wuv"

Ring Ring
"Hey Hil, it Barack!"
"Oh hi Bar Bar! What's up my brother?"
"Just chopping your head off pictures in Newsweek....JK!"
"Oh Hil, you so crazy! Listen, I was wondering what you're going to wear to Unity, NH tomorrow?"
"Oh my gosh! I bought the cutest little outfit!"
"It isn't another one of those lady jump suits is it?"
"Actually it is, but listen! This one is different! It's light blue!"
"Oh sweet! I have the perfect tie to go with that! We can totally be twinkies!"
Honestly, it was awkward to watch them on stage as "united friends". You know they hate one another. I figure when he kissed her cheek she was thinking "You disgust me...you should be kissing my butt, not me kissing yours." And when the crowd chanted her name instead of his, you can imagine that he was seething.
Again, get used to it because I have the feeling we are going to see a LOT more Barack and Clinton Variety Hours.
Notes for the not in the know:
BFF = best friends forever
PDA - public displays of affection
OMG = oh my gosh
JK = just kidding
VP = vice president
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dobson versus Obama
To hear Tuesday's broadcast, click here.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Maria Sue Chapman Memorial Service - News Coverage
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
BEAT L.A. !!!!
I have been able to enjoy the last few years of the NBA Finals as my favorite team, the San Antonio Spurs, have won a handful of titles. Like some people, I could care less about sports if my team is not involved. Sometimes I could care less to watch even when they are. When the playoffs roll around though and teams I love are in, I am engrossed.
I wrote a blog shortly after moving out here about teams I enjoy, but here is a review:
NFL - 49ers & Colts for favorites followed by the Texans, Jets, Lions and a few others.
MLB - Astros & Red Sox for faves and that is all.
NHL - Dallas Stars for fave and the Colorado Avalanche
NCAA - Texas A&M for fave, TCU , Penn State and a few others...but mostly A&M is all I'll keep up with.
NBA - San Antonio Spurs & Celtics for fave and the Rockets and Mavs taking up 2nd and 3rd.
We'll focus on the NBA right now. I am sure many reading this will assume that the only reason the Celtics are on my list is because they are in the finals. Not so. I think basketball was the only sport I played competitively (go R.A.'s!) and so as a child Larry Bird stuck out to me for obvious reasons. I remember an old computer game a friend had that was Bird vs. Magic. For those who don't know, Bird played on the Celtics. Technically they were the first NBA team I knew. Living near Houston though, the Rockets replaced them. After moving out here though, I went to a Celts game and they sucked, but I really enjoyed it. Much like the Red Sox, it was easy to get swept up in fan nation. Some of you may wonder why I did not list the Patriots in the above list. I will get to that in a moment. There are teams that fall into my favorite categories too simply because of a player. For example, Jerry Rice (49ers WR) is my second favorite all time player. When he was traded to the Oakland Raiders, I developed some interest in the team only because he was there. After he left, they fell back into my least favorite category. Kevin Garnet is one of those players. I think he is a great player and kept up with him on the Timberwolves. He was one of those players, like Reggie Miller, who you wanted to see win it all. When he was traded to the Celts, it peeked my interest in the team that much more.
This NBA Finals is especially enjoyable though because I despise the L.A. Lakers with a passion. There are certain teams I loath. The reason for these dark feelings generally falls into one of three categories: 1) arrogant coach 2) cocky, self-centered, arrogant player 0r 3) they consistently spank my team. The Lakers fall into the first two of these. I don't like Phil Jackson or Kobe Bryant. I will quickly give props where it is due even for those I don't like. Jackson is a good coach and Kobe is a good player. Jackson seems to think he is perfect though and everyone falls all over Kobe for no reason. Wasn't he accused of raping a girl? No biggie, he bought his wife a huge diamond and everyone was thrilled. What a great fella. Much like Tom Brady. Sports Illustrated named him "God" in an editorial because of how wonderful he is. Yeah, I like to worship those who get a woman pregnant who he is no longer dating. He is awesome. Oh and the Patriots cheat. No problem. They are undefeated! Ummm they didn't win the Super Bowl so they are not undefeated...sigh...sorry, I still get worked up over that team.
I digress. My least favorite teams are:
NFL - New England Patriots tops the list (for all three reasons) followed by a rotation of other teams like the St. Louis Rams (used to be reason #1 and #3).
MLB - N.Y. Yankees. "Yankees suck". Nuff said.
NHL - ummm, don't care enough to have one. I'll say Ontario just because I know they have a team.
NCAA - T.U. (Texas University). Friggin' tea sippers.
NBA - Lakers, Nets and Suns.
So there it is. I am no longer sure what the point of this blog was. Maybe to mark the occasion of Game 6 which the Celts are leading 53-35 right now with a minute left in the 2nd. Though I will not get excited yet. The Lakers had a 21 point lead in game 4 and the Celts came back to win. Maybe I wanted to make the case that I am not a bandwagon fan (for instance, I rooted for the Giants in the Super Bowl, but they are not one of my faves...though I like Eli Manning). Either way, it is just a fun blog that only three people I personally know will read (props to Jen, Dad and Bryan).
For now, it is half time (58 to 35 baby!) and I need to reheat my dip and get another Coke...and some Tums for dessert.
Nash out.
*Final score : Celtics 131 Lakers 92
Friday, June 13, 2008
Huckabee Reporting
Associated Press - June 13, 2008 12:23 PM ET
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Mike Huckabee is bringing his political expertise to Fox News Channel.
"The former Republican governor of Arkansas who ran for president this year will be a political commentator.
Bill Shine, the senior vice president of programming for FNC, calls Huckabee "a great addition" to the cable network's election coverage.
In a statement released by his daughter, Huckabee says he hopes to bring a "unique perspective from inside the dragon's belly," and to try to speak for millions of Americans who feel their voices are not being heard.
Huckabee is an ordained Baptist preacher who's been mentioned as a potential running mate for John McCain. Huckabee has formed a political action committee to raise money for McCain and other Republicans."
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Robert's Mix Post
Since I haven't posted a personal blog in over a month, this will be a mix of everything. It's long so I reccomend taking it in parts. So strap in and try and keep up!
I overheard one of those "what the heck..." comments at Target this week. A lady and her little boy walked by a woman in a wheelchair. The woman in the chair had a cup holder with a drink attached to her chair. The lady said to her boy (and this is a direct quote...I said it over and over to myself for this very moment), "She has a cup holder. It must be nice to ride around with that on. Sure would make my life easier." She wasn't far away from the woman in the wheelchair when she said it either. Now I will give the benefit of a doubt here and assume it was said without thinking, but sheeeeesh.
Over the past few weeks, I reacquainted myself with one of my all-time favorite shows, Arrested Development. This was one of the numerous FOX shows that was canceled before its time (3 seasons). This show won numerous awards and was a quick and smart comedy that would have you laughing through out. For whatever reason, the powers-that-be at FOX didn't advertise it well and even its most faithful viewers had a tough time knowing when to tune in. Anyway, Target had the first two seasons on sale for 9.99 the last few weeks (strangely season 3, which was a short season, was still 20.00), so I enjoyed watching them again.
While I am on the topic of FOX shows, have you seen the preview for Fringe? This Lost like drama will air in the fall and looks really interesting, but I can't decide if I will tune in. As stated above, FOX has a knack for cutting shows mid-way through the season (Reunion anyone) which leaves you wondering what would have happened. FOX also has a knack for keeping cruddy shows like Stacked which had Pamela Anderson as its lead. Go figure.
Speaking of entertainment, I saw the newest installment of Indiana Jones last week and LOVED IT. I'll go out on a limb and say it was my favorite of the four. This seems to be one of those movies that people either loved or hated. I can see why some were disappointed with it, but (without giving anything away) if you take the time period in which the story takes place, it really makes sense. As with all Jones flicks, there was plenty of comedy, action, and silly stunts. A lot of great references to the past 3 films too (I love continuity).
So that was the first of many summer movies I am hoping to see. That list includes in no particular order:
1. Prince Caspian
2. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
3. The Dark Knight
4. Iron Man (v)
5. The Incredible Hulk (v)
6. The Happening
7. Get Smart
8. Hancock
9. Step Brothers (v)
10. Tropic Thunder (v)
11. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (JOKING!)
(v) = I can wait for it on video
Since graduating in December, I have finally had the chance to catch up on some reading. My parents bought me a great book titled Playing for Pizza by John Grisham. This is a great story about a third string QB who can only find work in Italy. I am not a Grisham fan, for no other reason than I'm just not into legal stories, but this was a fun read. Part of the enjoyment came from learning about Italy. Lots of references about the countryside, food and some history too.
I finished up Ted Dekker's Lost Books series as well, which ties nicely into his Circle Trilogy and Project Showdown series. I can't wait till this fall when Sinner is released so I can see how it all plays out. I also read Adam by Dekker which I highly recommend. Great stuff that will keep you up at night.
My eyes aren't doing all the reading though. I listen to books on CD while feeding Jacob at night. I recently finished Dan Brown's Angels & Demons. This came out before The Da Vinci Code but still features the same lead character. It is an interesting FICTIONAL tale involving the Vatican and the ancient sect known as the Illuminati. A good read. As with Da Vinci, the story has a lot of cool locations an gives some good history and interesting facts on the papacy. The rest is just made up. Something to keep in mind when reading fiction.
Right now I am working on Twilight by Stephanie Myers. I believe it is a young adult book, but is still very good. There is a vampire in it and I always enjoy a good vampire story. The best though is The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Pretty accurate as far as a fictional story can be.
My friend introduced me to a great site recently called Book Mooch. This free site connects you with people all over the world and allows you to find books for free. Here is how it works: after you sign up you begin listing books you own that you don't mind getting rid of. This gives you 1/10th of a point. When someone request one of your listed books, you get a full point. With these points you can mooch books off other people. You don't pay anything for them, you only pay to mail off the books others want which is cheap if you do it as media mail (I mailed 9 last week for $20...most of that was because I sent one to Finland which you don't have to do international if you don't want). If you can't find a book you want, you add it to your wish list and you will receive an email when someone does add it. Pretty cool. I have gotten rid of a load of books that I have been unable to sell on Amazon.
While mailing said books, I encountered a very rude postal worker. I placed the package going to Finland on the counter and she tossed at back at me and said (with a tone) that I forgot my return address and then was confused at to why I didn't know to fill out a customs type something. Then she quite visibly rolled her eyes and sighed when I placed the remaining packages on the table. You know, I understand that it must be a tough job. Yet I don't think its right that those in tough jobs are rude to others. You chose the job. I had to mail packages...sorry, but there is no reason to be rude towards me for it. Stamping my packages is your job. I also get that people have bad days, so maybe that's all it was.
The NBA Finals are under way and the Celtics lead 2-1 (best of 7). I guarantee that it will go to game 6 or 7. I have always felt that playoff series are fixed. Think about it. The longer the series goes the more money the players, coaches, teams, organization and networks make. I'm not quite sure how they work it out, but it makes sense. Might be something like, "Okay Boston wins at home, Lakers take 2 at home and then you both can duke it out." If anyone saw the game last night, it was a pathetic show by the Celtics. It was like watching first graders shooting...or players missing shots on purpose. Especially in a series featuring the Celtics and Lakers. That is a money maker. Plus, in recent years the NBA Finals has not been pulling in the viewers. A series like this is good for everyone.
Finally, there has been a heat wave in New England this week. Last time I looked around 2 pm yesterday it was 98 degrees with a heat index of 105. Very warm for this time of year and insanely humid. Anyway, the news stations were reporting school closings due to the heat as well as cooling centers. I found this interesting. Here, things shut down when it reaches 100 outside. In TX things shut down when it begins to sleet. As my sister said, "Can't we meet in the somewhere in the middle?"

Click here to see more.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Maria Chapman's Funeral Service
Jim Houser, one of Steven Curtis Chapman's managers, posted a blog describing Maria's funeral service/celebration. On it you will read of God's love, the heart of family and friends, and see some pictures.
Please check it out at by clicking here and remember to keep the Chapman family in your prayers.
For those of you who wish to do more than offer up prayers (which is quite powerful in itself), the family is asking that donations be made through Shaohannah’s Hope, the foundation created by the Chapmans to assist people in the adoption of childrenb. Please visit Shaohannah’s Hope by clicking here. or visit the Official Steven Curtis Chapman website.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
In My Prayers
For those who haven't heard, Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter Marie Sue was killed in an auto accident this week. An article can be found at FOX News.
Other than his contribution to Christian music, the Chapman family have been active in missionary work in China which has included the adoption of three children. They have also formed Shaohannah's Hope, "a foundation and ministry to financially assist thousands of couples in adoption."
This tradegy hit me hard and I cannot imagine what this family is going through. My prayers are with them and the sole purpose of posting this blog is that you will stop and say a prayer for them as well.

While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't wanna miss even one song,
Cuz all to soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone
Cinderella from This Moment by Steven Curtis Chapman
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Observations from Atlanta International
"Well actually, Reagan was President until 1992 before he resigned for health reasons. Clinton took over after than then the Bushes."
"But daddy, other people peed on the floor!"
"In order for me to make things more organized, I need you all to do the following: please form two lines...one for Kansas City and one for Philadelphia. This will help move things along quickly. Thank you." - Delta Employee
Notice there is no mention of where these lines need to form.
"These Celtics are the greatest basketball team ever"
10 minutes (and an Atlanta lead) later ...
"This team [is horrible]. They will never win anything!"
Later in the game after Boston regains the lead...
"This team is wicked awesome! No one can stop them!"
Ever notice that those riding on those "people mover carts"are generally those with no luggage and no problems. Also, do those drivers have the right to run me over if need be?
It is entertaining to walk the wrong way on those moving sidewalks. Even more fun to look confused and proclaim "I can't seem to get anywhere" as people come by.
Walking briskly, I can make it from one end of Terminal C to the other in under 8 minutes. After that it takes much longer.
Little known fact - people eat the following at 7 am: seafood, Burger King (not breakfast food), and Chili's. Some do it with coffee.
It's shocking enough that airport shops sell adult content, but it is more surprising to see some on buy alot of it. Still more surprising to see him looking at it while waiting for his flight.
Never ask one of the "gate keepers" where you are on the standby list. They will get angry and say "it's on the screen".
Likewise, never tell a gate keeper that the aforementioned screen is black. This leads to instant death.
Simply having a baby at the airport equals worried looks from others. It is fun to sit near people at other gates to bring about that "oh please don't let them sit next to me" feeling.
Finally, being stuck in the airport is nothing like Tom Hank's movie The Terminal...though I swear I saw an over weight version of Catherine Zeta Jones.
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Next Step
"What about now?" Huckabee supporters may be asking. For those who remember, Huckabee said that he would keep his website up and running to keep people informed of what he plans to do next (he stated his desire to stay involved). I just went by his site today and the countdown to its new unveiling has begun! Mike Huckabee's new site will be available on April 15 so be sure to run by and check it out at http://www.mikehuckabee.com/
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis
CF is a non-contagious, life-threatening chronic illness affecting 70,000 people worldwide (30,000 in the US). "A defective gene causes the body to produce a faulty protein that leads to abnormally thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and often results in fatal lung infections. This mucus also obstructs the pancreas, causing difficulty for us to absorb nutrients and grow in a healthy manner.
As with most costly illnesses, there is no known cure for CF, and maintaining the illness costs between $85,000-$100,000 a year, depending on drugs and treatments needed, as well as the frequency of hospital and doctor visits. However, continuous research has enabled the life expectancy of CF patients to improve dramatically...In 1955, it was rare for a child diagnosed with CF to make it to elementary school. Today, more than 40% of the CF population reaches 18 and older, and our average life expectancy is reaching into the mid-thirties. However, with the ever-expanding awareness and fund-raising, many are reaching their 30s, 40s, and beyond."
The Great Strides Walk is the CF Foundation's largest and most successful national fund-raising event. The 2008 Great Strides Walk will take place at Six Flags Over Texas on June 8. Farrel has set a goal of raising $5000 via sponsorship. 90 cents of every dollar raised is invested in vital CF programs to support research, education, care, and maintenance.
We all spend our money on pointless and passing things. We go out to eat when we could all save money (and weight) by eating at home. We buy the most expensive electronics and products when something cheaper would be just as effective. In the end, none of these things matter. Why not use just a few dollars toward something worthy that will make an impact in the lives of others? I urge you to watch the video below and then visit Farrel's Great Strides page. To learn more about Cystic Fibrosis vist http://www.cff.org/.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Rob's Ramblings



Please be sure to check back later this week for an important update having to do with a Cystic Fibrosis fund raiser.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Random Thoughts
Speaking of game shows, Drew Carey is a horrible fit on The Price is Right. I kept hoping he would improve and grant it, he has slightly. It is just so akward to watch him. It is like he doesn't know what to say to people. Although, he did ask a contestant something I always wondered. Upon spinning the wheel (different from the wheel mentioned above) he asked if he thought it was heavy. The college kid stared at him and said "no". Drew, now at a loss for words stumbled and then said, "oh...I thought it was. Heavy." I always wondered if it was heavy too.
What is up with Michigan wanting to charge 50 cents/gallon tax on gasoline? One word, environment. Once again it is more important than what people need. It is meant to make people more aware. Very similar to what one lawmaker in MA is hoping to accomplish. He is wanting to charge 5 or 10 cents per plastic bag at stores to help the environment. No matter that we pay 3 or 4 dollars at the pump. No matter that milk and other groceries are through the roof. Lets charge people more so that we'll stop and think "Hey wait! I am destroying the environment! What is wrong with me? This bag won't decompose for a thousand years!! What on earth is wrong with me???!" Sigh.
And these are my random thoughts for the day.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Indiana Jones 4 Trailer
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Opening May 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Fun with Google Earth

In the same way that you search for a city or a road, you can type in a star or whatever and fly to its location. Just for fun I typed in "Nash" and there just happened to be a star with that name. But this isn't just any star, oh no. The Nash Star is part of the constellation Sagittarius (the star is on the most eastern point of the constellation). Useless news for anyone else out there, but still fun to play around with.

Monday, March 10, 2008
Creepy Picture of the Day
Friday, March 07, 2008
Huckabee 2012
Just days after officially dropping out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Mike Huckabee is already making plans for a possible run for the White House in 2012.
“We want to stay in touch and start now building a platform to continue addressing issues that brought us together in the first place,” Huckabee said in an e-mail to supporters on Wednesday.
“We will keep our Web site up and as we transition, will want to create a way to keep in touch and continue the battle for our families, our freedom, and our future.”
Huckabee intends to use as a model Ronald Reagan’s efforts following his failed run in 1976 and leading up to his success in 1980, the Washington Post reports.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Huckabee Bows Out; My Endorsement
For the past year, I have been working to support former governor Mike Huckabee. It has been my honor and pleasure to serve such a fun and upstanding man who has a tremendous faith. He too had a goal and refused to give up on it until the opposition had officially won. He did not drop out when everyone else said he should. He did not worry about the numbers. He continued to walk in faith and spread the message he felt was so important to America. I do not think it was wrong of him to stick around in the race. I think it showed his spirit and faith. He reminded us that we have a choice. Much like those pundits who said Huckabee should drop out, it seems that the media also tries to tell us who we should vote for (honestly, up until recently how many of you even knew about Huckabee?) by who they give the most air time to. So thank you Mike Huckabee for staying in the race until the end and giving us not only hope, but a choice.
Now the question for Huckabee supporters is "who do I want for President now"? Obviously most will automatically go to McCain since he is the GOP Nominee. That is fine. As I have said throughout the election though, I urge you to know your candidate. Research what they stand for, how they have voted on issues and what they want to do for our country. Do not just take the tidbits you hear on the news and go from there. Do not even just check out their official website. Research and vote for the best possible choice.
So then, who will I be endorsing? Well I am glad you asked. I am throwing my support behind a candidate who is virtually unknown compared to the others. He is young, good looking (according to some), charismatic, energetic and believes that we can change this nation for the better. I think you all know who I am talking about...

That's right. I am throwing my hat into the race. I will run as an independent for the To Be Named Later Party. I won't steal speeches from my friends. I won't say that I have never been proud of my country. I won't take my opponents pictures and make them darker or lighter. I don't have a wife whose eyes look like they will suck out your soul if you stare into them for too long (you know who I am talking about, though I suppose their are two possibilities). What will I do? I will have that information for you in the weeks to come. I think I will rent Air Force One, Dave, Independence Day and a few other films so that I can get some ideas. After all, we always like the President when they are in a movie. So until we speak again, God bless you and God bless America.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Huckabee's Final Stand
It is okay to say that "this candidate does not represent me" or "this isn't what I want/believe in". Make your own decision. No matter what state you're in, I urge you to go out and vote today. It does matter, because it will show others that there we still have a voice. How great would it be if there was an upset in anyone of these states...to know that your vote was a part of it. Know your candidates. Know their views. Know what you want. Go out and vote for who you want.
Democrat or Republican, please let your voice be heard today.
To learn more about Republican Candidate Mike Huckabee, click here.
Monday, March 03, 2008
The Lost Beatle?
Okay, so this toddler may have come along too late to be part of the great band, but he may have a shot at American Idol one day. He does make Hey Jude his own which is something Simon always says to do. Paula would just say he is cute and would want to "hang him from [her] rear view mirror".
One thing is for sure, the kid has a better voice than I do!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
SW Airlines Hates Pretty People?

Original Post: Ah...what is the world coming to when even the beautiful are discriminated against? This article from FOX News (originally reported by Tampa Bays 10) is pretty funny. Notice that none of the workers on SW Airlines said anything about the girls looks, only the girls themselves made those comments.
No doubt these girls were on their best behavior and the flight attendants just wanted to risk their jobs because they were jealous. Read and decide for yourself. I italicized my favorite my part.
Two attractive 18-year-olds claim they were escorted off a Southwest Airlines flight for being too pretty, TampaBays10.com reported.
University of South Florida student Nisreen Swedberg and friend Sarah Williams said the flight crew was rude to them from the start of their flight from Tampa Bay to Los Angeles on Feb. 14, TampaBays10.com wrote:
“I think they were just discriminating against [us] because we were young decent-looking girls. I mean, nobody else on the plane looked like us except us,” Williams told TampaBays10.com. “[The flight attendants] were like older ladies. We were younger. Who knows, they could have been just jealous of us because we were younger.”
Southwest defended its actions, saying it was the women who caused a disruption on the flight. They were released about two hours after the plane landed, and no charges were filed.
President Bush Hits One Out of the Park Upon Meeting Red Sox

Anyway, one of the characteristics I love about President Bush (and in other people too) is that he can poke fun at himself. One of the players on the Red Sox is Daisuke Matsuzaka (nicknamed Dice K) and he is our pitcher from Japan. President Bush said about him, ""His press corps is bigger than mine, and we both have trouble answering questions in English."
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
CHA CHA Search Engine

Not by a computer? Try ChaCha on the go by texting your question to 242242. You’ll get an answer straight from me or one of my co-workers right on your phone.
Want to help? You can join me working with ChaCha - a revolutionary company that lets you decide your hours and workload! And you can work from home or anywhere you have a wireless Internet connection. Visit https://www.chacha.com/guidesignup and make sure you enter my email address in the referral box (robertnash17@gmail.com). After you fill out the “Become a Guide” page and HQ sends you an invite to continue, you will start the registration and screening process. This is a fun way to make some extra side money and find new information online.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Huckabee on Saturday Night Live
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Robert to Texas: "REMEMBER HUCKABEE!"
If John McCain is the "true conservative" then why is having to try so hard to prove it to people? If he is the only conservative, then why is the GOP still divided over him? You have a choice. I urge you to check out Mike Huckabee's website to learn more about him. The video below his from his rally in Plano, TX last night. They were expecting only 500 people but were surprised (and pleased) to have over 2000! Those Texans know a good candidate when they see one. I hope the rest of you will too.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Huckabee in the Cayman Islands
Monday, February 18, 2008
Care Bear Story Correction & Self-Defense

A metro area parent was shocked recently when her daughter stumbled across a pornographic Web site while looking for a cartoon site.
Tracy O'Neal said her daughter, Stephanie, was looking for the Web site of the Care Bears, the cuddly cartoon characters, but because of a missing hyphen, the daughter unexpectedly found a porn site.
"I was repulsed," Tracy O'Neal told KMBC's Martin Augustine.
"All of a sudden, here comes up a lady and her pants were pulled down, and she was showing her bottom ... I will probably never go back on that site again," Stephanie O'Neal said.
"If that Web site has predators behind it, they need to be stopped. These kids don't need to be in this type of business. They don't need to see it," Tracy O'Neal said.
The mother said she'll be watching her daughter's Internet activity more closely from now on.
Now, on the same day the other blogger posted their article (back in 2006, no typo) I was literally in school and did not have much time to write anything of my own (and it had been a while since I had). I stated that I was quite busy and would post an update soon. I then said that I wanted to repost this article found on this other blog. The person who posted the article made some comments about the family being rednecks because the mother said her daughter would "probably" never go back. In my copy and pasting of this other person's blog, I did not mean to take their comments as well. Yes, I should have double checked, but did not. My mistake.
Since then, I have been blaseted three time for this article. Once by the mother and another by a stranger. I wanted to contact these people directly but both hid their contact information making it impossible for me to do so. So I post this blog, almost two years after the fact to clear the air. As I already said, I was not the one who made the comments. I suppose that wasn't clear enough or that those who read skipped ahead from my update and went straight to the article.
First let me address the mother, Tracy O'Neal. As she so kindly reported, it was not her that said "will probably never go back" but he child. So that person who read the article misread and then judged. Fair enough and apologies. I too misread the article.
To the person who found the article while looking online for Care Bears and came across my site then posted under a totally unrelated article: I am sorry my re-posting upset you so much. However, you accused me of making assumptions, questioned what kind of Christian man" I am, said you were appalled by me, and then called me an "as*".
I found it sort of ironic since you called me out on making assumptions and then assumed a load about me. I only wanted to pass on the info about how easy it is to find garbage online. I did not mean to re-post another persons comments. Lesson learned: check and re-check posts. I never called you or your family a redneck, beacause I don't know you. I never said that rednecks aren't Christians. I do agree with you though. I too believe parents should closely monitor what their children do online. I believe no child should have their own computer in their room. I think it should be in an open area of the house so parents can know what their kids are up to. I used to teach and know all too well what trouble even kindergarteners can get into online.
I also agree with you that people spend way too much time online. With that comment one may wonder why I am taking the time to write this post. Well, I feel the need to defend myself when a stranger says I am not a good Christian man and when they say I am making assumptions when I didn't do anything to begin with. However, this article and it's comments clearly upset people so most of all I want to say I am sorry to them that they were offended. Those who know me or comes to this site often should know from other posts that I (hopefully) never say anything like what I was accused of. Since it was so confusing and and offensive, I have now deleted that other posts and put this one in its place. Since there was no way to contact those the blog offended, I have made this new post. Hopefully they will come across it again.
I think we should all take a cue from the Care Bear theme song and strive to "be a Care Bear and fill the world with love. To be a Care Bear is what I’m dreaming of. We’ll make a great pair. We’ll stick together through and through like glue."