Monday, February 18, 2008

Care Bear Story Correction & Self-Defense

Slightly over two years ago, I re-posted an article that another blogger commented on. This article was about a child who accessed a pornographic web site while trying to find a Care Bears web site. The article (2/6/2006) from Yahoo states:

A metro area parent was shocked recently when her daughter stumbled across a pornographic Web site while looking for a cartoon site.

Tracy O'Neal said her daughter, Stephanie, was looking for the Web site of the Care Bears, the cuddly cartoon characters, but because of a missing hyphen, the daughter unexpectedly found a porn site.

"I was repulsed," Tracy O'Neal told KMBC's Martin Augustine.

"All of a sudden, here comes up a lady and her pants were pulled down, and she was showing her bottom ... I will probably never go back on that site again," Stephanie O'Neal said.

"If that Web site has predators behind it, they need to be stopped. These kids don't need to be in this type of business. They don't need to see it," Tracy O'Neal said.

The mother said she'll be watching her daughter's Internet activity more closely from now on.

Now, on the same day the other blogger posted their article (back in 2006, no typo) I was literally in school and did not have much time to write anything of my own (and it had been a while since I had). I stated that I was quite busy and would post an update soon. I then said that I wanted to repost this article found on this other blog. The person who posted the article made some comments about the family being rednecks because the mother said her daughter would "probably" never go back. In my copy and pasting of this other person's blog, I did not mean to take their comments as well. Yes, I should have double checked, but did not. My mistake.

Since then, I have been blaseted three time for this article. Once by the mother and another by a stranger. I wanted to contact these people directly but both hid their contact information making it impossible for me to do so. So I post this blog, almost two years after the fact to clear the air. As I already said, I was not the one who made the comments. I suppose that wasn't clear enough or that those who read skipped ahead from my update and went straight to the article.

First let me address the mother, Tracy O'Neal. As she so kindly reported, it was not her that said "will probably never go back" but he child. So that person who read the article misread and then judged. Fair enough and apologies. I too misread the article.

To the person who found the article while looking online for Care Bears and came across my site then posted under a totally unrelated article: I am sorry my re-posting upset you so much. However, you accused me of making assumptions, questioned what kind of Christian man" I am, said you were appalled by me, and then called me an "as*".

I found it sort of ironic since you called me out on making assumptions and then assumed a load about me. I only wanted to pass on the info about how easy it is to find garbage online. I did not mean to re-post another persons comments. Lesson learned: check and re-check posts. I never called you or your family a redneck, beacause I don't know you. I never said that rednecks aren't Christians. I do agree with you though. I too believe parents should closely monitor what their children do online. I believe no child should have their own computer in their room. I think it should be in an open area of the house so parents can know what their kids are up to. I used to teach and know all too well what trouble even kindergarteners can get into online.

I also agree with you that people spend way too much time online. With that comment one may wonder why I am taking the time to write this post. Well, I feel the need to defend myself when a stranger says I am not a good Christian man and when they say I am making assumptions when I didn't do anything to begin with. However, this article and it's comments clearly upset people so most of all I want to say I am sorry to them that they were offended. Those who know me or comes to this site often should know from other posts that I (hopefully) never say anything like what I was accused of. Since it was so confusing and and offensive, I have now deleted that other posts and put this one in its place. Since there was no way to contact those the blog offended, I have made this new post. Hopefully they will come across it again.

I think we should all take a cue from the Care Bear theme song and strive to "be a Care Bear and fill the world with love. To be a Care Bear is what I’m dreaming of. We’ll make a great pair. We’ll stick together through and through like glue."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I came across this post again. I check our names occasionally on the internet to make sure we aren't being posted without permission. I am a forgiving person and I apologize for thinking it was you who wrote that comment. I still closely monitor what my kids are doing on the internet. I have seven websites that I allow them to visit and often check the history to make sure they haven't done anything when I step out of the room. They are very aware of my checking, they have to be with me when I do it. That keeps them from wanting to stray off the sites that are allowed. Thank you for straightening this out...God Bless You!!