Thursday, February 28, 2008

SW Airlines Hates Pretty People?

UPDATE: Just saw an interview with these two girls on FOX 25 News. The girls are saying that they never said that they were thrown off because they are "pretty...I said we were throw off because we are decent looking." Our mistake. Plus, they know that is the reason because one of the flight attendants, while talking to another attendant, said "the blond girl over there." I am pretty sure we can all understand and see how that translates into them being jealous of their "decent" looks. Per our news anchor, "these girls need a good talking to from their parents."

Original Post: Ah...what is the world coming to when even the beautiful are discriminated against? This article from FOX News (originally reported by Tampa Bays 10) is pretty funny. Notice that none of the workers on SW Airlines said anything about the girls looks, only the girls themselves made those comments.

No doubt these girls were on their best behavior and the flight attendants just wanted to risk their jobs because they were jealous. Read and decide for yourself. I italicized my favorite my part.
Two attractive 18-year-olds claim they were escorted off a Southwest Airlines flight for being too pretty, reported.

University of South Florida student Nisreen Swedberg and friend Sarah Williams said the flight crew was rude to them from the start of their flight from Tampa Bay to Los Angeles on Feb. 14, wrote:

“I think they were just discriminating against [us] because we were young decent-looking girls. I mean, nobody else on the plane looked like us except us,” Williams told “[The flight attendants] were like older ladies. We were younger. Who knows, they could have been just jealous of us because we were younger.”

Southwest defended its actions, saying it was the women who caused a disruption on the flight. They were released about two hours after the plane landed, and no charges were filed.

President Bush Hits One Out of the Park Upon Meeting Red Sox

Not sure how much coverage this received outside of MA, but President George W. Bush met the World Champion Boston Red Sox yesterday at the White House. This is a common tradition - the current President will usually meet with each championship sports team.

Anyway, one of the characteristics I love about President Bush (and in other people too) is that he can poke fun at himself. One of the players on the Red Sox is
Daisuke Matsuzaka (nicknamed Dice K) and he is our pitcher from Japan. President Bush said about him, ""His press corps is bigger than mine, and we both have trouble answering questions in English."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

CHA CHA Search Engine

I’m working with a new company whose aim is to change the way people find answers on the go. This search engine is called ChaCha and you can find quick, accurate answers by searching.

Not by a computer? Try ChaCha on the go by texting your question to 242242. You’ll get an answer straight from me or one of my co-workers right on your phone.

Want to help? You can join me working with ChaCha - a revolutionary company that lets you decide your hours and workload! And you can work from home or anywhere you have a wireless Internet connection. Visit and make sure you enter my email address in the referral box ( After you fill out the “Become a Guide” page and HQ sends you an invite to continue, you will start the registration and screening process. This is a fun way to make some extra side money and find new information online.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Huckabee on Saturday Night Live

Republican Presidential Canidate Mike Huckabee appeared on the Weekend Update segment of Saturday Night Live on February 23. This was the first new episode of SNL since the strike began. Huckabee receved very good reviews for his appearance. Better yet, perhaps it will remind people that he is still in the race and can pull some upset on March 4 in Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island. Be sure to vote and enjoy the video!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Robert to Texas: "REMEMBER HUCKABEE!"

I want to make a plea to all my fellow Texans (I am a Texan by birth, so I am trustworthy here): When you go to the polls on March 4, remember you have more than one choice for your Republican Candidate for President. Former Governor Mike Huckabee is still in this race and an victory in Texas would say that loud and clear to the rest of the United States. Know who you're voting for and what they believe in.

If John McCain is the "true conservative" then why is having to try so hard to prove it to people? If he is the only conservative, then why is the GOP still divided over him? You have a choice. I urge you to check out Mike Huckabee's website to learn more about him. The video below his from his rally in Plano, TX last night. They were expecting only 500 people but were surprised (and pleased) to have over 2000! Those Texans know a good candidate when they see one. I hope the rest of you will too.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Huckabee in the Cayman Islands

GOP Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee was in the Cayman Islands over the weekend and delivered an inspiring speech to a group of college students. This video is about five minutes long and is well worth the listen.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Care Bear Story Correction & Self-Defense

Slightly over two years ago, I re-posted an article that another blogger commented on. This article was about a child who accessed a pornographic web site while trying to find a Care Bears web site. The article (2/6/2006) from Yahoo states:

A metro area parent was shocked recently when her daughter stumbled across a pornographic Web site while looking for a cartoon site.

Tracy O'Neal said her daughter, Stephanie, was looking for the Web site of the Care Bears, the cuddly cartoon characters, but because of a missing hyphen, the daughter unexpectedly found a porn site.

"I was repulsed," Tracy O'Neal told KMBC's Martin Augustine.

"All of a sudden, here comes up a lady and her pants were pulled down, and she was showing her bottom ... I will probably never go back on that site again," Stephanie O'Neal said.

"If that Web site has predators behind it, they need to be stopped. These kids don't need to be in this type of business. They don't need to see it," Tracy O'Neal said.

The mother said she'll be watching her daughter's Internet activity more closely from now on.

Now, on the same day the other blogger posted their article (back in 2006, no typo) I was literally in school and did not have much time to write anything of my own (and it had been a while since I had). I stated that I was quite busy and would post an update soon. I then said that I wanted to repost this article found on this other blog. The person who posted the article made some comments about the family being rednecks because the mother said her daughter would "probably" never go back. In my copy and pasting of this other person's blog, I did not mean to take their comments as well. Yes, I should have double checked, but did not. My mistake.

Since then, I have been blaseted three time for this article. Once by the mother and another by a stranger. I wanted to contact these people directly but both hid their contact information making it impossible for me to do so. So I post this blog, almost two years after the fact to clear the air. As I already said, I was not the one who made the comments. I suppose that wasn't clear enough or that those who read skipped ahead from my update and went straight to the article.

First let me address the mother, Tracy O'Neal. As she so kindly reported, it was not her that said "will probably never go back" but he child. So that person who read the article misread and then judged. Fair enough and apologies. I too misread the article.

To the person who found the article while looking online for Care Bears and came across my site then posted under a totally unrelated article: I am sorry my re-posting upset you so much. However, you accused me of making assumptions, questioned what kind of Christian man" I am, said you were appalled by me, and then called me an "as*".

I found it sort of ironic since you called me out on making assumptions and then assumed a load about me. I only wanted to pass on the info about how easy it is to find garbage online. I did not mean to re-post another persons comments. Lesson learned: check and re-check posts. I never called you or your family a redneck, beacause I don't know you. I never said that rednecks aren't Christians. I do agree with you though. I too believe parents should closely monitor what their children do online. I believe no child should have their own computer in their room. I think it should be in an open area of the house so parents can know what their kids are up to. I used to teach and know all too well what trouble even kindergarteners can get into online.

I also agree with you that people spend way too much time online. With that comment one may wonder why I am taking the time to write this post. Well, I feel the need to defend myself when a stranger says I am not a good Christian man and when they say I am making assumptions when I didn't do anything to begin with. However, this article and it's comments clearly upset people so most of all I want to say I am sorry to them that they were offended. Those who know me or comes to this site often should know from other posts that I (hopefully) never say anything like what I was accused of. Since it was so confusing and and offensive, I have now deleted that other posts and put this one in its place. Since there was no way to contact those the blog offended, I have made this new post. Hopefully they will come across it again.

I think we should all take a cue from the Care Bear theme song and strive to "be a Care Bear and fill the world with love. To be a Care Bear is what I’m dreaming of. We’ll make a great pair. We’ll stick together through and through like glue."

Friday, February 15, 2008

Huckabee Video: Why He's In It

Blog Note: I have turned off the auto-play feature on the music player. To listen to music, simply press the play button.

Huckabee explains to Neil Cavouto his thoughts on Romney's endorsement of McCain as well as why he is still in the race.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

McCain Receives Funding From MoveOn's George Soros

Receieved this article from another Huckabee blogger and wanted to pass it on to everyone. It is about "the true conservitive" John McCain.

"As Sen. John McCain assumes the GOP front-runner mantle, his long-standing, but little-noticed association with left-wing donors such as George Soros and Teresa Heinz Kerry is receiving new attention among his Republican critics.

In 2001, McCain founded the Alexandria, Va.-based Reform Institute as a vehicle to receive funding from George Soros' Open Society Institute and Teresa Heinz Kerry's Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations.

McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections."

To read the rest of this article, please visit Massachusetts for Huckabee.

The Writers Strike & Your Favorite Shows


Oringinally Posted 2/12/08 - So the end of the Writers Strike may finally be at hand and crews could go back to work as early as tomorrow. The question is though, what shows will be producing new episodes for the remainder of this season? What about fan favorites such as Lost, 24, House, Smallville, Supernatural, The Office, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, Two and a Half Men, ER, and so on?

TV Guide informs you of the fate of the above shows and many more. Check out the link by clicking on this sentence. This page is updated hourly so if you do not see your favorite show listed, check back later.

Also, the new deal for writers is not official yet, but looks extremely promising. It will be voted on today if the writers will go back to work ASAP and next week they will vote on the new deal. Stay tuned for updates.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potomac Primary

Though you may not know it from watching the news, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is still in the race for the GOP nomination. Last week after Mitt Romney dropped from the race, Arizona Senator John McCain was proclaimed the winner, but one can't be named "the winner" when other candidates are still in the race.

Yes McCain has a large lead on Huckabee, but the nomination can still go either way. I like the fact that Huckabee hasn't dropped out of the race. He believes he is the right man for the job and believes he can still win. He is sticking to his principles and his dream and I respect that. Today Washington D.C., Virginia and Maryland vote and there are still many states after that. On Saturday Huckabee won 2 out of 3 states (lost Washington, won Louisiana and Kansas though LA didn't give out any delegates because it was close). This thing is still in reach. Though it can be argued that Huckabee has a few liberal tendencies, John McCain has many more. McCain is the one who has frolicked through the fields with the big named liberals such as Ted Kennedy. McCain tried to push amnesty for all illegal immigrants. And in this writers personal opinion, McCain is a bit of a loose cannon. I appreciate his service to our country and can't imagine what it is like to be a prisoner of war, but that doesn't automatically qualify a person to be President.

Before you go out to vote, please know all the facts. Know why you are voting for a candidate. Don't vote for someone "just because": you recognize their name better, of their gender or race, the news/media says the candidate is obvious conservative/liberal choice. Is any candidate flawless? Will you agree with everthing they say and do? No, but you don't go out and vote blindly for the other person "just because". Know where each person stands on the issues and then make your own choice.

I'm Robert of Robert's (New) Land and I approve this message.

Learn about Mike Huckabee by clicking on this sentence.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Prince Caspian

You may have seen one preview during Super Bowl 42 or online, but here is the official trailer for the upcoming Prince Caspian film. Prince Caspian is the second book (the second one that was written) in the Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Winston Churchill vs. Sherlock Holmes

What is the main difference between Winston Churchill and Sherlock Holmes? Obviously one was a real person and one is ficticious. Aren't sure which one is real? You're not alone. FOX News featured this story on February 4, 2008:

One in four Britons don't believe wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill existed, according to a recent survey.

Churchill is compared to Florence Nightingale and Sir Walter Raleigh, seen by many survey respondents as a mythical person, the London Daily Mail reported Monday.

The survey, conducted with 3,000 respondents to test their general knowledge, reported other historical figures such as Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, Cleopatra and the Duke of Wellington were made up for books and films, the Mail reported.

The survey, by UKTV Gold, also found that Sherlock Holmes was a real person.

"This suggests a complete lack of common sense and respect for our greatest heroes of the past," Barnett said.

Well, at least Americans aren't alone now when it comes to a complete lack of common knowledge. It would be cool if Sherlock Holmes was an actual person, but that is a topic for a different time.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

A Perfect Ending

Well Super Bowl 42 is in the books and it is truely a perfect ending. Oh maybe not for the oh so wonderful and powerful Patriots who fall one game short of "pefection". They will end this season with an 18-1 record. It is perfect in terms of justice though.

At the beginning of the year the Patriots were caught cheating. They received a slap on the wrist through losing their draft pick (pick 31 out of 32), but that doesn't matter anyway because they will get a top ten pick via trade with the 49ers. Then it was discovered Coach Belichick had an entire library of video tapes spanning years (and their past Super Bowl victories) and those were simply destroyed.

As the season progressed, those "classy" Patriots began pounding teams. In one game in which the Pats had a huge lead, Belichick put "god-like" Brady back in because the other team scored a touchdown...even though the game was still way out of reach. No matter. The Patriots were amazing! Unstoppable! No matter that six of those wins came against the three other teams in their division. Those teams were a combined 12-36 on the season. In fact, the Patriots played only 4 playoff bound teams. Outside of those teams, their opponents were 50-46. Not exactly a tough mission. Impressive? Yes, they were good, but the greatest ever? Not in my opinion. Against teams with losing records and toward the end of the year the Pats seemed to crumble against these lesser teams. Nevertheless, the Patriots were hailed as perfect. In fact their destiny seemed to be written in stone. Media pundits hardly mentioned the Giants. All that mattered was the 19-0 mark. Perfection.

So for some of us (a very small group where I am at) this was a perfect ending. A team received exactly what it deserved. I think we all saw how classy Belichick and the Patriots were at the end of the game when they simply left the field. Yes there was that whole 1 second left on the clock, but they still left. Classless. Congrats to Eli Manning. I think its cool that both he and his brother Peyton have won (and back to back, what are the chances).