Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potomac Primary

Though you may not know it from watching the news, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is still in the race for the GOP nomination. Last week after Mitt Romney dropped from the race, Arizona Senator John McCain was proclaimed the winner, but one can't be named "the winner" when other candidates are still in the race.

Yes McCain has a large lead on Huckabee, but the nomination can still go either way. I like the fact that Huckabee hasn't dropped out of the race. He believes he is the right man for the job and believes he can still win. He is sticking to his principles and his dream and I respect that. Today Washington D.C., Virginia and Maryland vote and there are still many states after that. On Saturday Huckabee won 2 out of 3 states (lost Washington, won Louisiana and Kansas though LA didn't give out any delegates because it was close). This thing is still in reach. Though it can be argued that Huckabee has a few liberal tendencies, John McCain has many more. McCain is the one who has frolicked through the fields with the big named liberals such as Ted Kennedy. McCain tried to push amnesty for all illegal immigrants. And in this writers personal opinion, McCain is a bit of a loose cannon. I appreciate his service to our country and can't imagine what it is like to be a prisoner of war, but that doesn't automatically qualify a person to be President.

Before you go out to vote, please know all the facts. Know why you are voting for a candidate. Don't vote for someone "just because": you recognize their name better, of their gender or race, the news/media says the candidate is obvious conservative/liberal choice. Is any candidate flawless? Will you agree with everthing they say and do? No, but you don't go out and vote blindly for the other person "just because". Know where each person stands on the issues and then make your own choice.

I'm Robert of Robert's (New) Land and I approve this message.

Learn about Mike Huckabee by clicking on this sentence.

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