Friday, October 17, 2008

The Antichrist

With the election looming, I have heard several people make mention of the Antichrist and Barrack Obama. There are even emails going around stating that he is the Antichrist. While no one can be certain, I thought I'd go through a few verses in the Bible that discuss The Antichrist.

Revelation 13:1 states that John "saw a beast coming out of the sea." Sea usually refers to a group of people around the Mediterranean meaning he will be a Gentile.

Daniel 8:8-9 suggests that he is the "small [horn]" that came out of the four Grecian horns, signifying that he is part Greek.

Daniel 9:26 says he is the ruler of the people to come. This indicates that he will be of the royal lineage that destroyed Israel which was Rome. So he should be predominately Roman.

Daniel 11:36-37 says that the Antichrist "does not regard the God of his fathers". If we take this in context then we'd have to assume he will also be Jewish. Much like Hitler (who was a prototype) the Antichrist will appear to be Gentile, but will have Jewish blood which he will probably keep a secret.

In the book Revelation Unveiled Dr. Lahaye states that, "[His identity] may be known only to God, but the Bible teaches that he will be a Roman-Grecian Jew, a composite man representing the peoples of the earth. The technically qualifies him to be the embodiment of all evil men."

So is Obama the Antichrist? Maybe, but probably not. As far as we are aware, he doesn't have all of the above mentioned blood coursing through him, but who knows what his true nationalities might be. Many (while misinformed) believe that his Muslim heritage makes him a candidate, but as we just read there is no mention of that in Scripture. I think he will be more of a precursor for the Antichrist and/or America's downfall.

The future activities of the Antichrist will include the following:
1. A rise to power - he will steadily gain control of all things through promises of peace (Revelation 6:2 and Daniel 8:25)

2. One-World Government - As seen in Daniel 2, the Antichrist will set up a government with 10 "Kings". Revelation 17:12-15 shows that these ten rulers will eventually believe that they can no longer govern themselves and will cede full power to the Antichrist. Verse 13 indicates that a world government will be created in the name of peace.

3. Domination of World Economy - When Revelation states that these rulers will give their power to the Antichrist, it is not just referring to their governments and armies, but also economic power. Think of the European Common Market as an example. In such a time of economic crisis, is it really that hard to picture this happening?

4. Atheistic Religion - Daniel 11:36-39 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 describe the religious beliefs of the Antichrist. They teach that he will place himself "over everything that is called God or worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." Revelation 17 shows that Antichrist will approve an ecumenical world church (also not hard to imagine today) which would merge all religions together, celebrating their differences. For a time, Antichrist will be dominated by the church's power (Revelation 17's "prostitute", the church, riding "the beast", Antichrist). Somewhere within the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation period, though, Antichrist will destroy this ecumenical institution and set himself up as god. His true religion will be atheism.

5. A Covenant with Israel - As mentioned in my previous post dealing with Gog and Magog, there will be a covenant created with Israel for the length of seven years. This will promise her peace and protection during that time. After 3 1/2 years Antichrist will break this treaty and seek to wipe Israel off the map. This is found in Daniel 9:27.

6. Death and Resurrection - Revelation 17:8 states that "the beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come." Many believes that the verse indicates that the Antichrist will die during the 7 year tribulation (probably around the half way point). Be aware that it will not be the Antichrist himself to resurrect - Around the same time, Satan will be cast out of Heaven once and for all (he currently has access having to give an account for his Job 1:6-7). Satan will indwell the body of Antichrist and contrast the actual, supernatural resurrection of Jesus Christ. From that point on, Antichrist will have the power to perform "counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders " (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) and he will deceive many. At that time, he will proclaim himself God, desecrate the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, and unleash an attack against Israel. Anyone who doesn't declare him God and pledge allegiance to him (this is where the whole "mark of the beast" comes into play) they will be killed.

7. The Ultimate Destruction of Antichrist - Second Thessalonians 2:8 states that Antichrist (the "lawless one") will be overthrown by Jesus Christ. This is further discussed in Revelation 19:11-20.

There you have it. This is just a breif overview of the Antichrist who is to come. Chances are good that is he alive somewhere right now. I once read an interesting book (the title escapes me) stating that since Satan doesn't know when the end will come, he has had to have an antichrist ready/prepared during every generation. A chilling thought.

Regardless of who the Antichrist is, interesting days lay ahead...