Friday, June 27, 2008

"Wuv...Sweet Wuv"

Awww, Clinton and Obama are totally BFF! They sooooo showed up in Unity, NH today to promote not only unity, but PDA! OMG can't you totally see them taking this country in a new direction?? And they soooo totally matched!


Get used to it. We'll be seeing these two together at least until November and longer if she is VP. The first question that came into my head while watching the news was "did they plan out their outfits together?" Obama sported a white dress shirt (sleeves rolled up for that casual, man-of-the-people, outdoor look) with light blue tie while lady Clinton wore a light blue lady suit. I can picture that coversation in my head.

Ring Ring


"Hey Hil, it Barack!"

"Oh hi Bar Bar! What's up my brother?"

"Not much, just flipping through the newest Tiger Beat magazine. You?"

"Just chopping your head off pictures in Newsweek....JK!"

"Oh Hil, you so crazy! Listen, I was wondering what you're going to wear to Unity, NH tomorrow?"

"Oh my gosh! I bought the cutest little outfit!"

"It isn't another one of those lady jump suits is it?"

"Actually it is, but listen! This one is different! It's light blue!"

"Oh sweet! I have the perfect tie to go with that! We can totally be twinkies!"



Honestly, it was awkward to watch them on stage as "united friends". You know they hate one another. I figure when he kissed her cheek she was thinking "You disgust should be kissing my butt, not me kissing yours." And when the crowd chanted her name instead of his, you can imagine that he was seething.

Again, get used to it because I have the feeling we are going to see a LOT more Barack and Clinton Variety Hours.

Notes for the not in the know:
BFF = best friends forever

PDA - public displays of affection
OMG = oh my gosh
JK = just kidding
VP = vice president

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