Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Huckabee Bows Out; My Endorsement

With Republican Senator John McCain sweeping VT, RI, OH and TX in last night's primary, he is officially the Presidential nominee for the GOP. Congratulations to him. It is a nice thing for him because I know who tried for this eight years ago against our current President. He had a dream/goal and did not give up on it and now here he is.

For the past year, I have been working to support former governor Mike Huckabee. It has been my honor and pleasure to serve such a fun and upstanding man who has a tremendous faith. He too had a goal and refused to give up on it until the opposition had officially won. He did not drop out when everyone else said he should. He did not worry about the numbers. He continued to walk in faith and spread the message he felt was so important to America. I do not think it was wrong of him to stick around in the race. I think it showed his spirit and faith. He reminded us that we have a choice. Much like those pundits who said Huckabee should drop out, it seems that the media also tries to tell us who we should vote for (honestly, up until recently how many of you even knew about Huckabee?) by who they give the most air time to. So thank you Mike Huckabee for staying in the race until the end and giving us not only hope, but a choice.

Now the question for Huckabee supporters is "who do I want for President now"? Obviously most will automatically go to McCain since he is the GOP Nominee. That is fine. As I have said throughout the election though, I urge you to know your candidate. Research what they stand for, how they have voted on issues and what they want to do for our country. Do not just take the tidbits you hear on the news and go from there. Do not even just check out their official website. Research and vote for the best possible choice.

So then, who will I be endorsing? Well I am glad you asked. I am throwing my support behind a candidate who is virtually unknown compared to the others. He is young, good looking (according to some), charismatic, energetic and believes that we can change this nation for the better. I think you all know who I am talking about...

That's right. I am throwing my hat into the race. I will run as an independent for the To Be Named Later Party. I won't steal speeches from my friends. I won't say that I have never been proud of my country. I won't take my opponents pictures and make them darker or lighter. I don't have a wife whose eyes look like they will suck out your soul if you stare into them for too long (you know who I am talking about, though I suppose their are two possibilities). What will I do? I will have that information for you in the weeks to come. I think I will rent Air Force One, Dave, Independence Day and a few other films so that I can get some ideas. After all, we always like the President when they are in a movie. So until we speak again, God bless you and God bless America.

I am Robert of Robert's New Land and I approve this message.

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