Thursday, March 20, 2008

Random Thoughts

So we couldn't find the remote this evening and Wheel of Fortune came on after King of Queens. Why do the contestants yell? Is Pat hard of hearing? Is it because Vanna is so far away? Then again, Vanna doesn't really have to hear what letter is said anyway because those little rectangles light up for her.

Speaking of game shows, Drew Carey is a horrible fit on The Price is Right. I kept hoping he would improve and grant it, he has slightly. It is just so akward to watch him. It is like he doesn't know what to say to people. Although, he did ask a contestant something I always wondered. Upon spinning the wheel (different from the wheel mentioned above) he asked if he thought it was heavy. The college kid stared at him and said "no". Drew, now at a loss for words stumbled and then said, "oh...I thought it was. Heavy." I always wondered if it was heavy too.

What is up with Michigan wanting to charge 50 cents/gallon tax on gasoline? One word, environment. Once again it is more important than what people need. It is meant to make people more aware. Very similar to what one lawmaker in MA is hoping to accomplish. He is wanting to charge 5 or 10 cents per plastic bag at stores to help the environment. No matter that we pay 3 or 4 dollars at the pump. No matter that milk and other groceries are through the roof. Lets charge people more so that we'll stop and think "Hey wait! I am destroying the environment! What is wrong with me? This bag won't decompose for a thousand years!! What on earth is wrong with me???!" Sigh.

And these are my random thoughts for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The thing is you can stop and think but in the end you do need something to either get around or to carry your food and just to live in this day and age.