Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Huckabee's Final Stand

Today boast three Presidential Primaries: Rhode Island, Ohio and Texas. Most of the news is focusing on the Democratic nominees, but I wrote this post to remind everyone that there are still two Republican nominees. I know that many people will argue that Senator John McCain has the nomination wrapped up and Huckabee should have dropped out. I disagree with this. McCain has not yet officially won the nomination. Yes, odds are heavily against Huckabee. No one is disillusioned about that. However, the whole point of voting is to let your voice be heard. Do not think to yourself "well there is no point in voting because he won't win". Let your voice be heard. Where would we be if the Colonist said, "well Britain is so much bigger than us and chances are we won't win in a war against them. We better do what they tell us." Or for my Texas friends, what if those at the Alamo simply gave up because the odds were against them. Luckily they didn't. They stood up for what they wanted. For what they believed in. It could have so easily gone the other way, but didn't.

It is okay to say that "this candidate does not represent me" or "this isn't what I want/believe in". Make your own decision. No matter what state you're in, I urge you to go out and vote today. It does matter, because it will show others that there we still have a voice. How great would it be if there was an upset in anyone of these states...to know that your vote was a part of it. Know your candidates. Know their views. Know what you want. Go out and vote for who you want.

Democrat or Republican, please let your voice be heard today.

To learn more about Republican Candidate Mike Huckabee, click here.

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