Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Observations from Atlanta International

I recently had the pleasure of being stuck at the Atlanta Airport for over 24 hours. I have always been a fan of people watching and got my share of it while there. I also learned some valuable information that I will now pass on to you.


"Well actually, Reagan was President until 1992 before he resigned for health reasons. Clinton took over after than then the Bushes."

"But daddy, other people peed on the floor!"

"In order for me to make things more organized, I need you all to do the following: please form two for Kansas City and one for Philadelphia. This will help move things along quickly. Thank you." - Delta Employee
Notice there is no mention of where these lines need to form.

"These Celtics are the greatest basketball team ever"
10 minutes (and an Atlanta lead) later ...
"This team [is horrible]. They will never win anything!"
Later in the game after Boston regains the lead...
"This team is wicked awesome! No one can stop them!"

Ever notice that those riding on those "people mover carts"are generally those with no luggage and no problems. Also, do those drivers have the right to run me over if need be?

It is entertaining to walk the wrong way on those moving sidewalks. Even more fun to look confused and proclaim "I can't seem to get anywhere" as people come by.

Walking briskly, I can make it from one end of Terminal C to the other in under 8 minutes. After that it takes much longer.

Little known fact - people eat the following at 7 am: seafood, Burger King (not breakfast food), and Chili's. Some do it with coffee.

It's shocking enough that airport shops sell adult content, but it is more surprising to see some on buy alot of it. Still more surprising to see him looking at it while waiting for his flight.

Never ask one of the "gate keepers" where you are on the standby list. They will get angry and say "it's on the screen".

Likewise, never tell a gate keeper that the aforementioned screen is black. This leads to instant death.

Simply having a baby at the airport equals worried looks from others. It is fun to sit near people at other gates to bring about that "oh please don't let them sit next to me" feeling.

Finally, being stuck in the airport is nothing like Tom Hank's movie The Terminal...though I swear I saw an over weight version of Catherine Zeta Jones.

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