Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Iowa Caucus

Little Rock, AR – Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has continued his strong push toward the top of the polls in Iowa, moving into a statistical tie with former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson and leading national frontrunner Rudy Giuliani by 6 percent, according to a poll released today by the Rasmussen Reports.

Rasmussen Reports, the nation's most accurate polling firm during the 2004 presidential election, indicated Romney attracts 25 percent of likely caucus participants, followed by Thompson at 19 percent and Huckabee at 18 percent, “virtually tied for second.”

Huckabee for President National Campaign Manager Chip Saltsman says these numbers are significant for many reasons, including the fact that Romney has spent far more money than other GOP candidates in Iowa.

“This poll is just the latest in a series that show Mike Huckabee gaining more support and momentum as the campaign progresses and reflects what we’re hearing across Iowa,” Saltsman said. “The surge that began with Gov. Huckabee’s stunning second-place finish in the Republican Party of Iowa Straw Poll on Aug. 11 continues as the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses approach.”

The Rasmussen Reports Poll notes that the Iowa race remains “very fluid.”

“Iowans like Mike Huckabee and respect his stand for traditional values, ethical leadership and real reform,” Saltsman said. “They’re going to turn out for him in force on Jan. 3, 2008.”

According to the Rasmussen Report, Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is the only other Republican in double digits at 13 percent. Arizona Senator John McCain, once considered by some to be the GOP frontrunner, gets just 6 percent of the vote. Kansas Senator Sam Brownback (3 percent), rounds out the field with Congressmen Tom Tancredo (2 percent), Ron Paul (2 percent), and Duncan Hunter (1 percent). Eleven percent (11 percent) are undecided.

A poll summary notes that Romney and Thompson are essentially even among men, but Thompson attracts only 10 percent of the vote from women. In fact, Romney, Huckabee, and Giuliani all outpoll Thompson for the female vote. Huckabee leads among evangelical Christians while Romney leads among those with other religious beliefs.

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