First order of busniess: thanks to everyone one who participated in my last blog. I called on readers to help out with a fun little question and the response was AMAZING! So to the 2 who answered the question, I thank you. Yes, yes...you will say, "But Robert! There are a total of 4 comments posted!" Ah yes. Well kudos to the new visitor. I am excited about him stopping by, but said person didn't technically answer the question. And the other comment I posted after someone read it over my shoulder at school. He doesn't know he his opinion was made public.
Now, on to the good stuff. A few new additions to this old house. First up, if you turn on your speakers, you will hear some wonderful music courtesy of http://www.ksbj.org/ a Christian radio station out of Houston that Bryan introduced me to. I may switch back and forth from the contemporary music to the praise and worship. Just to keep things fresh and you crazy loyal fans on your toes. The music can be turned off or muted the normal way. Or, if you can't figure that out, just turn off your speakers.
Secondly, you may have noticed an odd addition to my side bar. This newly added section titled "Google Help" is supposed bring up useful information/links related to the conent of my blog. Just as a disclaimer, I don't pick out what links appear in this section. Sooo the views expressed may not neccessarily be the views of Robert's (New) Land.
Speaking of Google, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of my blog you will find a blog search space. Type it whatever you are needing to search for and press enter. Google...good stuff.
Thirdly, I have added yet another new topic to my side bar titled "Celiac Disease Information". This is a illness I am affected with as are numerous people across the U.S. I just thought I'd help spread the 'knowledge' so other people can be in the know.
I am still working on "Christianity Essentials". I haven't had much time to review sites and I don't just want to add any old thing to this section. Look for more there after my summer session ends on May 19. Same for the Photo Album.
Fourthly, there are 2 new clips in the video section. One is from the White House Correspondents’ Dinner this past weekend. If you haven't heard about it, President Bush was a great sport and brought along a look alike who stole the show. Follow the link titled "Will the Real President Please Stand Up" and then select 'Launch' by the picture.
The other clip is my favorite. This clip is justification for a lot of my blogs praising a certian upcoming movie. "Superman Returns" released its official trailer today and it is truely impressive and outstanding. Any doubts I had concerning the new movie were obliterated. This is not the same teaser trailer that came out a few months back. This is the one that will be playing with "Mission Impossible 3" and other movies. This trailer is around 2 mins long so be sure to give it a quick viewing, you won't be wasting your time. It is under the clips section with the obvious title "Official Superman Returns trailer".
And finally the really big news. Superman won't be the only one returning this year. We will be making our return to the Lone Star State in November! Of course, as is true with any trip, we need money to get back. So here is my proposal-if you are wanting to see us in November, send money. However much money you send, that is how much time I will spend with you. $5 gets you 5 minutes. This isn't a group deal either. You want to see both of us then that is two payments. You should probably consider that I will start the timer when I get into the car to drive to wherever. If you are 10 minutes away and payed only $5, well then I turn around halfway there.
Just kidding. Unless you would really do it... :)
Gotta get back to studying for finals. Keep it real.
I think I'm ready to pay for face to face time with you guys...
Bring on the Blue Bell, Ole' and ranch style beans!
I had me some cravings for Ole last night. Couldn't sleep because of them. Forget the traditional Thanksgiving meal! I want all mexican!
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