Monday, May 15, 2006

Evolution of Dance Video

"The Evolution of Dance"
Comedian Judson Laipply
This is a hilarious video! You know I've never done you wrong with videos on here before, so click on the above picture to give it a watch. NOTE: the above website does not contain the video at this time. is just the comedian's website. I give credit where credit is due.
As always, it will be added to the video section for future use.

Props to my sister for sending the video my way. For those keeping score, Amy now has 2 "Robert's Blog Material Props" and is currently in the lead. Want to earn a R.B.M.P.? Act now and send me funny material. If I think it is Robert's Land worthy, I'll post it and you will receive a 'props'!

Only 4 days left of Summer Blitz! Thanks for everyone's patience.

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