Friday, November 02, 2007

There's Something about Hilary

Most of you have probably heard about Hilary Clinton's debacle at the Democratic debate this week. The other male canidates "ganged up" on the Senator. The bigger issue of the night was her back and forth commitments. What does this woman stand for? Where does she stand on the issues? From her answers, it would appear to be both sides. Clinton of course insists that this is untrue and that the men are simply piling it on her because she is a woman and she is in the male run political race. In fact she said this (in a more drawn out fashion) at her old all girls college just the other day (along with stories about boys in her room, which we are all so interested in).

However, in in the smallest statements, Mrs. Clinton seems to flip flop.
CONCORD, N.H., Nov. 2 — Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama tangled on Friday over whether women should be treated equally to men in the boxing ring of presidential politics. At the same time, Mrs. Clinton backed away from her “pile-on politics” strategy that portrayed her as the lone woman under assault from the six male candidates at the Democratic debate on Tuesday.

“I don’t think they’re picking on me because I’m a woman; I think they’re picking on me because I’m winning,” Mrs. Clinton said at a news conference at the Capitol after filing papers to run in the New Hampshire primary.

For the full New York Times article by Elisabeth Bumiller, please click here.

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