Friday, December 21, 2007

Holy Floating Crosses Mike!

Huckabee has a way of using what little campaign money he has to turn short commericals into a media frenzy. A while back I posted his ad with Chuck Norris which everyone buzzed about. Now Huckabee has a commercial that is less of a campaignish commercial and more of a Christmas, excuse me, holiday card.

The commercial caused a stir up here because of a "fglowing, floating cross in the background" which is actually nothing more than his bookcase. Was it positioned that way on purpose? Who knows. If it was, brilliant! If not, even cooler!

Apparently though any one in public office (even though at this time he isn't) isn't allowed to say Merry Christmas. Even the Catholic League says he was wrong which I find disturbing. View the video for yourself below and then hope over the the Associated Press by clicking here to read the article. I can't repost it here due to copyright. No need to get sued this time of year. The article was written by Liz Austin Peterson.


Anonymous said...

Why don’t people get that all of this is completely irrelevant. Romney is the only one who will be capable of winning the general election. The various reasons behind this truth would fill up too many pages in blog to expound. I invite anyone doubting this to please revisit this blog in November after Huck or McCain get STEAMROLLED by the dems.

Anyone here defending Huckabee as a presidential candidate is actually defending Hillary.

When are Huckabee and McCain supporters going to finally realize what most of us can CLEARLY see: They are unelectable. Period.

Stop supporting Huckabee, your Huck/McCain primary votes are going to put Hillary and Obama in office. Seriously, just vote for Hillary now and save us time.

Anonymous said...

Follow up to my previous comment:

I said I would not expound on the MANY reason they are unelectable.

Can’t resist. Here are a few revealing ones:
Why did the Concord Monitor Newspaper attack Mitt Romney so ruthlessly? These people are as liberal Democratic as they come. What about Romney scares them enough to lash out like that? Hmmmm….It sounds like these Hillary lovers really want Huck to be the nominee in November. I wonder WHY?

Rush Limbaugh. The guy lives and breathes for the Republican party. He’s spent his career defending and promoting the GOP, through thick and thin. I wonder why he has come out so vocally AGAINST Huckabee??? Hmmm…He’s obviously protecting his beloved GOP from something….Could it be ignorant Huckabee supporters who don’t understand that Mike Huckabee will NEVER be elected by the general population outside of the Bible Belt. Rush knows it, so should Huckabee supporters.

Can you sense the frustration level?

Here's one more thought to keep you up at night (no, it’s not Huck sitting across a table from Ahmadinejad). The supreme court is ONE judge away from overturning Roe v Wade. Romney will appoint a pro-lifer, Hillary Won’t. Given that Huck/McCain can’t win, it appears that Huckabee voters are really in favor of abortion. Think about it.

Robert said...

So your point is that we shouldn't vote for the best canidate, but who has the best shot at winning? Even if we don't agree with their politics??

Will Huckabee be our next President? He could be. Before a month or two ago, no one ever heard of him and now he is on the verge of winning in Iowa. But everyone there should probably not vote for him because he won't beat Hilary. Vote for someone you don't like. Someone who may not inspire you. Democracy in its truest form.

Your thought process is about as logical as the people who will vote for Hilary JUST because they want to see a "woman" in the White House. Know the issues my friends. Know what each canidate stands for and vote according to what you believe it.