Monday, April 02, 2007

Good Friday

This week at the school I work at, I made metnion of the fact that they were closed on Good Friday. A man overheard me and stated, "Ah a day off. Thank God for the Catholics."

Another woman who is a teacher stated that she wasn't off since the school doesn't celebrate Jewish holidays, it can't celebrate "Catholic holidays".

If I hadn't already insulted the first man awhile back by stating I moved here to help with a church (and if I thought about it at that moment instead of two hours later) I would have told him to simply thank God for Good Friday. It was God who sent His son Jesus down to die for our sins and offer us all redemption and forgiveness of our sins (see previous post for more information there).

So today, be sure to take a moment and reflect on what it all means. It's not about a day off by any means (cause I am working too!). It's about your soul.

Hopefully i will have some time to write one more post for my favorite "holiday" of the year.

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