In a Newsweek article by Brian Braiker, it is stated that, "A belief in God and an identification with an organized religion are widespread throughout the country...Nine in 10 (91 percent) of American adults say they believe in God and almost as many (87 percent) say they identify with a specific religion."
There are many different ways I could go with this blog. I could talk about the other strange numbers that don't jive with the above percentage. For instance "Nearly half (48 percent) of the public rejects the scientific theory of evolution; one-third (34 percent) of college graduates say they accept the Biblical account of creation as fact. Seventy-three percent of Evangelical Protestants say they believe that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years; 39 percent of non-Evangelical Protestants and 41 percent of Catholics agree with that view. "
91 % of Americans believe in God, but only 48 % in creation by God? Ummm...okay.
I could talk about the comments made of this 'Godly' public being cool with atheist. Or I could go political and comment on the numbers regarding the influence of religion in politics and how electing a guy cool with abortion is insync with Christian values.
Instead I will go a different direction. In celebration of Resurrection Sunday (Easter) next week, I want to focus on that 91% of the population.
It is an unfortunate event when people read these numbers and comment on how great it is that so many believe in God. They will often say it is proof that everything is okay and that these hardy, gung-ho Christians are crazy for thinking that the U.S./the world is going to pot. I would love to ask some of these people who they think God is. Believing in God and worshiping/following God are two entirely different things. I believe that George Washington was real, but I don't worship the guy. I really don't know that much about him either. Sure, I know some of the main points but nothing detailed. Out of that 91%, who could tell me how to get to Heaven (hint:being a good person has nothing to do with it)? One of my favorite things to say about these numbers is that even Satan and his demons believe in God...and the Bible says they tremble at the thought of Him.
I live in an area where there is a very skewed view of God. Yeah, people believe in him. These same people also visit mediums and trust what they have to say. They party all week and then show up on Sunday to sit and stare. They go through rituals (in Catholic churches),but can't tell you why they do it or what it means. They don't understand what I mean when I talk about ministry or serving God. They are dumbfounded that I won't do something because it goes against my beliefs often thinking I am following some forced rule of the church instead of my heart.
Out of that 91%, how many of them will be in Heaven? Of course only God himself knows their hearts and it is not my place to assume. I can however share how one can be there.
We live in a fallen world. It was created in perfection but fell under the curse of sin (the bad stuff as I call it) under Adam and Eve's watch. God is a sinless and holy God. He rejects sin and can in no way allow it into His presence. The punishment he places on sin is death. Physical death. Death leads to Hell, total separation from God in never ending, burning torment. This curse passes down to everyone through the man's seed.
Humans cannot obtain holiness on their own. As I stated, being the best you can be or trying to do good won't get you anything. I know a lot of nice people who don't believe in God. After Adam and Eve sinned, God promised them that one day He would restore all things and would send One who would save us. Until that time, the people were required to sacrifice animals in order to receive forgiveness of sins (hold on to this info). The Israelites would sin and sacrifice. The problem is that they would always go back to their sinful lifestyles (much like we do today).
This brings us to Jesus, God's son. He is the one God promised to Adam and Even. He was born of the virgin Mary. Why is that important? Because Jesus was born without sin since he was born by the seed of a woman, not man. Jesus lived his entire life without sinning. Then he was arrested and killed. He didn't have to die. He had the authority and power to leave. It was a choice. Before I stated that the punishment for sin is death. Jesus took our punishment. He was our sacrifice. He died and went to Hell for us. He took all our sins and made them his own. And in his power, He rose from the dead three days later. Through belief in Him, we are promised eternal life.
If we truly believe in God and that Jesus lived, died and rose again, then we can ask God to forgive us of our sins. The price has been paid for them by His son. He will immediately give you forgiveness. You don't have to ask a priest or light any candles. You just simply talk to God right where you are and tell Him you have sinned, want to be forgiven and that you want to follow Him. All have sinned too. No one except Christ is perfect. Ever steal something? You are a robber. Ever told a tiny white lie? You are a liar. Ever looked at another and lusted? Then you are an adulterer. It doesn't matter how big or small, all have sinned.
Forgiveness is yours though if you believe. God has given us all a choice. We can either believe in God and do nothing about it or we can trust in and follow God and be forgiven of our sins. Don't be fooled by the numbers. There is a huge difference in believing in and truly following God. Thinking He exist, going to church, and/or being good won't get you to Heaven. Only accepting the gift He gave you (for free) through His son Jesus will. This Easter, I hope you will consider this.
Please feel free to comment or email me with any questions.
Preach on, Brother!
"It made me really think over the weekend how many lives we could save if only we quit being so judgmental and quit building walls and divisions between us."
Wonderfully said. That is my biggest complaint. We split up and divide over issues that truely do not matter. I believe Paul talked about this sort of division when he spoke of the church being the body of Christ. Who is the church? Is it one induvidual grouping? Or is it those who are Christ followers? The Bible is black and white and He does say to do and not do certian things. However, the road to Heaven never changes..."The Bible says you will be saved by doing 2 things -- confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord."
All so true---Anyone can believe, but not everyone can follow. Any one can sit in church and go thru the motions, but not everyone truly worships.
good job!!
He Has Risen!!
Love you! MOM
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