Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Year of Superman

Found a cool website via set up specifically in honor of Superman's big year. Most of you are probably aware of the upcoming "Superman Returns" movie that is being released this summer (June 30). What many of you might not know that a slew of other Superman related material is also coming to a store near you.

This list includes:
"Look! Up in the Sky: The Amazing Story of Superman!" - Documentary
"Superman: Brainiac Attacks!" - DVD (an all new animated movie)
"Superboy: Season 1" - DVD... all you hardcore fans should remember this show.
"The Adventures of Superman" - Seasons 3, 4, 5, and 6 (the old black and white series)
"Lois & Clark" - Seasons 2, 3 and 4 (2 is already out, 3 in June and 4 in October)
"Superman: The Animated Series" - Volume 3
"Justice League" The Animated Series" - Season 2
"Smallville" - Season 5 (probably around September)
"Classic Superman Movie Serials" (by Kirk Alyn)
"Supergirl" on DVD
"Superman Returns" - the video game (done by EA - the makers of the Madden franchise)
Before & After

"Superman Returns" toys, books, lunchboxes, trading cards, board games and I am sure many many other items. No doubt Pepsi/Coke, McDonalds/Burger King will be representing.
"Superman Returns" - on DVD (probably around November/December)
Of course the 'new' storyline in the Superman comics following the events of Infinite Crises (YES! I am a nerd. BUT! I am happy and content so who cares).

AND the best of all...

Special Editions of all of the Superman movie series, including the long dreamed "Donner Cut" of Superman II. For those who don't know, Richard Donner directed the original Superman film. He had directed the second film as well, but was let go over (I think) creative differences. What we have seen for years is the good but not great Superman II. For years people have tried to get their hands on this "Donner Cut" version, but now it will be available to all!

So, if you are still reading this I mentioned a cool website at the top of this blog. It is The cool part is the outstanding video that plays upon entering the site titled "The Superman Franchise Trailer". It shows great clips of all the Supermen over the years. Better yet, it plays the trailer for the upcoming "Superman Returns". Though it is kind of small, but you can see the bigger movie trailer at (or you can select the Superman Returns link on my side bar under 'Links').

It is indeed the year of Superman! can a statement so corny feel so right....

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