Monday, March 06, 2006

Quick Hits

Things have been busy this last week and will continue to be that way until 9 am tomorrow (which is when I will be finished with my last midterm). And then after my 3 classes Wednesday, Spring Break will officially begin. So, to makes sure that I am not lacking in entertaining my faithful readers, here are a few quick hits.

Reason I don't, LOATHE snakes:

Oscar Musings:
Reese Witherspoon rocks. In my opinion, she is one of the most beautiful (who pales in comparrison to my wife of course) and best actresses in Hollywood. Very glad she won and a bit surprised. Generally actresses/actors who have been in comedic films are subbed by the infamous Academy; People such as Jim Carrey who shined in "The Truman Show" and "Man in the Moon" (and won Golden Globes for at least one if not both) and Robin Williams who was snubbed for years before finally winning for "Good Will Hunting". So, for a girl who played in "Legally Blond", I was impressed that she was even nominated for her first really serious role.

Joaquin Phoenix got jacked. Though to be fair, I have seen neither "Capote" nor "Walk the Line". I am just assuming. I only remember the other guy from "Patch Adams" and some other movie I can't recall. I just know he was in it. And I don't think I liked him in it.

Oh why not...cheers to George Clooney for winning...even though he beat me out in 1997 for sexiest man alive.

Cheers to "Crash" winning Best Movie. It was the only one of the nominated films that I have seen, but it was amazing. I highly recommend it.

Coming Summer 2007, the long awaited sequel to "March of the Penguins":
"Viva la Penguin: The Revolution Begins"

And finally, the greatest truth I learned last night from the sure is hard out here for a pimp. I always thought I was alone in that thought.

Les Miserables is/was an incredible show. I am greatful to have seen it.

I stink at Texas Hold 'Em, but just enjoy it so dern much.

Finally found Diary Queens in MA. Unfortunately the discovery also turned up the sad horror that the large majorities of DQ out here are strictly ice cream products. They don't know what kind of nachos and chicken finger baskets they are missing.

Ironically, there are plenty of Sonic commercials but not a single Sonic around. Guess they are in with all the big insurance companies who have commercials out here who do not provide coverage in this state. You'd think some one on the marketing board would think, "hey...we could save tons of money in advertising if we didn't run commercials in areas we don't exist in!" But that's just me. I'm nutty that way.

I went through my first automatic car washer today. It was fun. Why was I so tempted to open the sun roof?

Got a new poll up (finally).

Alright, that is all. I need to study.
In the words of my brother (in-law) "More to come..."


Anonymous said...

Most excellent as always...

Anonymous said...

i agree with your comments! Last night's oscars was the first I have watched in its' entirity. I was very happy for Reese, George, and Crash...Not sure about the pimp song.
Very distressed about the DQ thing...need us to mail you some nachos??
Love ya! MOM

Robert said...

Mmmmm nachos with extra sauce. It's just so hard to find soggy nachos that are actually good!