Sunday, January 20, 2008

Looking Ahead: The Dark Knight

Had a few spare moments today and was reading the review for Cloverfield on the Rotten Tomatoes site when my eye caught a wonderful site. A few movie posters for the upcoming The Dark Knight film.

I am looking forward to this film. Batman Begins did a great job bringing back the darker side of Batman. This film should add to that with the introduction of The Joker who in the comics is a vicious, insane, murderer (I know...with a name like "The Joker" you'd think he'd be more fun). There are a handful of posters that you can check out at Rotten Tomatoes Dark Knight page.

After that, be sure to check out the great new trailer for this film. Be sure to pause the music player above. The film won't seem as cool with Michael Jackson singing.

The Dark Knight opens this summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cool...perhaps even more so since the demise of The Joker...

Papa Joe