Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"The People Have Spoken"

Well the ballots have (basically) all been counted and the people have made their choices. Now I won't comment or gripe about the democrats "taking power" or anything along those line because that is the type of Nation we live where people have the chance to choose their leaders. I respect that.

However, I just can't get over one election in my state (MA). Yesterday we voted for a new governor and Deval Patrick won pretty handily. He is a pretty slick looking character, being compared in ways to former President Clinton. What really blows my mind, though, is how he won despite two of his proposals. One of the obvious ones (though he would say it in governmentesse....'people have an obligation to help their state') is the raise in taxes. Most people know the nickname for MA is Taxachusetts, so its odd that people would be so eager to vote for a man who will more than likely raise them.

The second point really blows my (as well as numerous others) mind. Since 9/11 we have all had a heightened sense of security. Making sure we don't let just anyone into our country, protecting our borders, making it tougher in general. Patrick though is wanting to give "illegal immigrants" a license. I remember about one year ago, the news here did a special report on illegal immigrants having their license even though they don't know how to drive, transporting items and so on. People in this state were livid! And yet, a man who is basically cool with handing them out like Halloween candy wins the race for governor. To each their own.

And no, it isn't because this is a state run by Democrats...this is the first Democrat governor in MA is I believe 12 years.

But hey, at least we have an Texas Aggie running the show in the Pentagon now. That's what I'm talking about! GIG EM!


Anonymous said...

psssh Aggies in office now...We're screwed!

Robert said...

Coming from a Longhorn, I will take that as a compliment ;)

Anonymous said...

People in MA are kinda dumb. They like taxes and getting screwed over by the people in office.

I have never met a bunch of people who live for the state to take their money and give it away. They might as well be burning their paychecks.

What group of people would vote for higher taxes? It just doesnt make any sense. You would think that people would like to keep their money. What person looks at thier paycheck and says, "Wow they need to take out more taxes!" What moron would say that? I'll tell you... The GP of MA thats who.
