Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Famous Tombstones

There are two types of people in this world: Those who read in the bathroom and those who don't (and a select few who do crosswords). I am not ashamed to say I am a bathroom reader. The reason is simple. The bathroom is one of the quitest rooms in the home. You can lock the door, you have a seat and more than likely no one will disturb you. I used to read in the bathroom even if I had no other...business to attend to.

For those who do enjoy bathroom reading, there are a series of books I highly reccomend (for non-bathroom readers as well). You may have heard of "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader". These are book jamed with numerous fun stories and facts. Some are long, some medium and others short. I currently have two of these books, though I can't find one. The one I do have is "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into History" (get the play on words there? Nutty Uncle John). I came across the engravings of famous tombstones while reading the other day and thought I'd share.

Alexander the Great
A tomb now suffices for him
For whom the world was not enough

Alphonse Capone
My Jesus Mercy

Emily Dickinson
Called Back

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (one of my favorite authors)
Steel Truth, Blade Straight

Wyatt Earp
...that nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing's so loyal as love

Robert Lee Frost
I had A Lover's Quarrel With The World

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great stuff! Got any more you can share??
