Tuesday, February 21, 2006

One Day More...

This Saturday, I will achieve a goal I have had since 1998. While it is nothing that will change the world (or seem huge or important to anyone else) it is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I will finally be seeing the broadway production of "Les Miserables".

We did some music from Les Miserables my senior year in choir (that's right kiddos, Rob was in choir. Try and let that thought put you to sleep tonight). Anyway, being a drama buff I fell in love with Les Miserables. The story, the music, all of it fascinated me.

I made it a goal in my life to see this production one day. Once it came to Dallas, TX but I was unable to make it because it occured around the time of my back surgery. Then the news broke that Les Miserables, after becoming the third longest running broadway performance, would be closing.

Luckily, Producer CameronMackintosh decided last year to reopen the prduction for a special limited 6 month run. This run will make (technically, as of this past October, 'has made') Les Miserables the longest running musical in the world.

This 6 month run will end in Boston, MA. My wife was wonderful enough to get me tickets for Christmas. So...all that to say 'at the end of the day your another day older. And that's all you can say for the life of the poor. It's a struggle, it's a war and there's nothing that anyone's giving. One more day stnading about, what is it for? One day less to be living!'


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I anxiously await your review...