I am sitting on the couch watching President-elect Obama's acceptance speech. They are playing music from The Patriot. I may throw out my soundtrack tomorrow because that kind of ruins it.
The results do not surprise me as I am sure many feel the same. I first must say that President Obama will have my prayers behind him as he leads our nation. Probably more so than any other leader. Prayer does not equal support. Prayer should be given because of the hope that God will lead Obama as he leads our Nation. Certainly I pray that God be with all of us now.
Many people are wondering what will happen next. Obviously "change" is coming! For some reason during this campaign the word change automatically meant "good". Not all change is good. Hitler brought great change, did he not? No, I am not comparing Obama to Hitler. Just making a point.
In all seriousness, I know many people are scared right now. Those who have wisdom and see past the glitter of the past year's campaign know that things aren't always as they are presented. Many fear for America's future. I can't not give a 100% prediction of what is to come, nor will I assume on this blog...but I do know that when/if things become bad we can find solace in Scripture.
This semester I had the pleasure of studying a book of the Bible that I have never looked at before - Habakkuk. It is a wonderful, short book of the Bible in which Habakkuk has a one-on-one conversation with God. Habukkuk was a prophet who came to God with a simple question: how much longer would He (God) allow Israel to get away with its sin. God answered Habakkuk's question by telling him not to worry, because He was going to send in Babylon to overthrow them.
This wasn't exactly what Habakkuk was hoping to hear. He becomes upset and asks God how He could allow a nation whose sins were greater than theirs to punish them. God calmly answers Habakkuk telling him that He knows Babylon's sins and that they will be given the due in time. Habakkuk is humbled and thinks back over God provision to Israel in the past and of all His great deeds.
Habakkuk states in chapter 3, verse 2 "Lord, I have heard the report about you and I fear O Lord, revive your work in the midst of the years, In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy." Habakkuk went on to say at the end of the chapter that he trembles at knowing what is to come and in having to wait for it. Even though things were about to get really bad, Habakkuk says in verse 18 "Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation." Despite the fact that Israel was about to be trampled and taken into captivity by Babylon, Habakkuk says that he will still praise his God. Why? Because God is sovereign. God is never changing. God knows all things that are to come and they all play into His plan. What might be seen as something really bad might is part of a bigger picture. God has been and always will be in control. Though sin has permeated this nation, though people are blind to His truth - God is still God. Regardless of what happens in the years to come, God is still God. Those who are faithful to Him, He will not desert. Take hold of that fact friends and continue with the mission that He has given us - to bring others into His grace. For answers on this topic, please visit this website.
Readers...it has been my extremely pleasure to create and author Robert's (New) Land. When it began I intended for it to be a means of updating family and friends after we moved from TX to MA. It soon became all too clear that only a few people I knew would constantly check for my updates. Regardless the blog became a book of my fondest memories of my time in New England. Over a year ago, I had the pleasure of joining the campaign for Mike Huckabee (HUCKABEE 2012!!!) and the blog quickly turned political. My final few posts took a more serious tone. I strongly felt that I needed to write these last three blogs which, in a manner, are political in nature. While they deal with biblical happenings, events of the world around us seem to indicate that they could be at hand. I wrote them because I know years from now people who are searching for answers will be able to find them on this blog. I hope that in doing so, they will find The Answer who is Christ Jesus.
I will continue blogging, but at a new address. It will be more of a relaxed place where I won't feel compelled to write such long, in-depth posts. I may even write a one liner here and there. One topic on my mind is those Glade commercials. For those who want the new address, you know how to reach me. For those who have no clue how to reach me, I am sure you can figure out another easy way to find it.
May God bless you all.