Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis

None of my pointless ramblings and observations for this post. I have a wonderful friend (farrel) who was born with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Doctors told her family that she probably wouldn't make it past the age of 8. She is now 25 years old.

CF is a non-contagious, life-threatening chronic illness affecting 70,000 people worldwide (30,000 in the US). "A defective gene causes the body to produce a faulty protein that leads to abnormally thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and often results in fatal lung infections. This mucus also obstructs the pancreas, causing difficulty for us to absorb nutrients and grow in a healthy manner.

As with most costly illnesses, there is no known cure for CF, and maintaining the illness costs between $85,000-$100,000 a year, depending on drugs and treatments needed, as well as the frequency of hospital and doctor visits. However, continuous research has enabled the life expectancy of CF patients to improve dramatically...In 1955, it was rare for a child diagnosed with CF to make it to elementary school. Today, more than 40% of the CF population reaches 18 and older, and our average life expectancy is reaching into the mid-thirties. However, with the ever-expanding awareness and fund-raising, many are reaching their 30s, 40s, and beyond."

The Great Strides Walk is the CF Foundation's largest and most successful national fund-raising event. The 2008 Great Strides Walk will take place at Six Flags Over Texas on June 8. Farrel has set a goal of raising $5000 via sponsorship. 90 cents of every dollar raised is invested in vital CF programs to support research, education, care, and maintenance.

We all spend our money on pointless and passing things. We go out to eat when we could all save money (and weight) by eating at home. We buy the most expensive electronics and products when something cheaper would be just as effective. In the end, none of these things matter. Why not use just a few dollars toward something worthy that will make an impact in the lives of others? I urge you to watch the video below and then visit Farrel's Great Strides page. To learn more about Cystic Fibrosis vist

Farrel's 2008 Great Strides Walk Website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you!!!!! your help means a lot :)